Information System for U.S. Colleges
Proposal for Final Project
Jianxiang Jin    Qiang Zheng     Xiaohong Qiu
This project is a Web-based Information System for U.S. Colleges.
It is a real application with more than 300 U.S.A. schools' information in its database.
It aims at providing an on-line guidance for college programs.
The program implements Client-Server structure using Java RMI.
It consists of three distinct modules:
The first is Data Preparation module, which extracts data from Web Pages and converts into Oracle database.
The Second is the Client Side module, which offers an interface for ordinary users to query on information about schools.
On the other hand, it provides authorized user with database operations for maintainance purpose.
The Third module is the Database Access backend, which handles queries from users, performs database access
through JDBC and displays results to client side.
Techniques used in the implementation are as following:
- Java
- JDBC Oracle Database
- Java RMI
- JavaScript