Zeynep Odcikin OZDEMIR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Work Address Home Address NPAC, Syracuse University, 130-J Remington Avenue, Syracuse, New York 111 College Place, CST 3-211, Syracuse, New York 13244 13210 Phone: (315) 443-4061 Email: zeynep@npac.syr.edu Phone: (315) 428-8668 URL: http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/zeynep ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Objective To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer in industrial research/development which utilizes and improves my technical, research and organizatonal skills. Education o PhD student Computer Science, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, January 1999-Present o M.Sc. Computer Engineering, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, December 1998, (GPA = 3.87) o M.Sc. Computer Science, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, January 1995, (GPA = 3.67) Thesis: Design and Implementation of Image Processing System for Ultrasound Fetal Head Images. o B.S. Computer Science, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey,July 1991, (GPA = 3.25) Class Rank : 9/54 Research and Work Experience Graduate Research Assistant Northeast Parallel Architectures Center(NPAC), Syracuse University Syracuse, NY (March 1996-present) Research and Teaching Assistant Computer Science and Engineering Department, Hacettepe University Ankara, Turkey (November 1991-December 1994) was responsible for Database Laboratory, Microprocessing Laboratory, Digital Systems Laboratory and Software Courses for third- and fourth- year computer science and engineering students. Junior Software Developer(volunteer) Obstetry Clinic in Medical School, Hacettepe University Ankara, Turkey (September 1990-December 1994) participated in developing and testing medical imaging and expert systems for monitoring high risk pregnancies. This program collaborative study between Hacettepe University and EEE Department of Middle East Technical University, is funded by The European Economic Community(The EC). Summer Internship Petroleum and Chemistry Corporation(PETKIM) Izmit, Turkey (June 1990--September 1990) Summer Internship IBM-SAP Concultancy Center(I-BIMSA) Izmit, Turkey (June 1989--September 1989) Software/Hardware Background o Operating Systems : UNIX on Sun, SPARC, and SGI, Windows/NT, DOS, AOS/VS, VMS o Platforms : SUN Workstations, SGI Workstations, Origin2000, Data General MV/10000, Avion, IBM 4381 and Personal Computers o Programming Languages : C, C++, Visual C++, Java, and knowledge of Pascal, FORTRAN 77, Smalltalk/V, COBOL, INTEL 8086/8088, INTEL 8080A/8085, BASIC, PL/I o Web Technologies : VRML1.0\&2.0, CGI Scripting, Servlets, JavaScript, Liveconnect, and HTML o Graphics and Windows : X-Windows, OpenGL, Inventor, MFC, and Motif o Databases : SQL, Oracle, Progress, Illustra o Network Protocols : TCP, UDP o Other Softwares : Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, FrontPage, Visio, Latex, MatLab, Gnuplot, RationalRose Visual Modeling Tool, AVS, VHDL Recent Projects Java Web Object Request Broker(JWORB) (September 1998-present) http://iwt.npac.syr.edu/demos/index.htm JWORB is a multi-protocol(HTTP and IIOP) extensible server written in Java o Implemented Naming CORBA service in Java language o Implemented Event CORBA service in Java language Forces Modeling and Simulation(FMS) (January 1998-present) http://iwt.npac.syr.edu/demos/index.htm The Department of Defense(DoD) Programming Environment and Training (PET) as a part of High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) o Participating in developing electronic FMS training space o Participated in metacomputing FMS demo at SuperComputing98 in Orlando o Core PET FMS Support, tracking, monitoring and evaluation of new Web/Commodity software and commodity hardware technologies of relevance for the FMS o DIS PDU parser written in C++, supports multicast and broadcast on SGI and PC. o Parallel Modeling and Simulation Modules, developing parallel version of the the Comprehensive Mine Simulator (CMS - Night Vision Lab, Ft. Belvoir) code for Origin2000 family of distributed shared memory machines. Tango Project (January 1997-December 1997) http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/tango was funded by The Department of Defense. Tango is a Java-based collaboratory system for the WWW o Java-COM integration on TangoLite which is a demonstration version of the TANGO written in java o Ported PointPlus powerpoint slide viewer into Tango system and integrated with Microsoft Agent for visual and voice assistance o Implemented 3D visible human viewer using VRML and java technologies o Ported 2D visible human java applet developed at NPAC into the Tango system. 3D Visible Human Project (March 1996-December 1996) http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/3Dvisiblehuman was part of the Collaboration and Interactive Visualization project, sponsored by DARPA via Rome Laboratory. Implementing educational tools for National Library of Medicine Visible Human data. o Implemented stereo graphics viewer for 3D visible human data in C language using OpenGL. This viewer works on SGI systems and supports split-screen, quadbuffer and multi-channel stereo modes. o Developed semi-automated segmentation toolkit in C under AVS system. Conference Publications 1. "WebHLA as Integration Platform for FMS and other Metacomputing Application Domains", the DoD HPC Users Group Conference, Monterey, CA, June 8-15, 1999 [with G. Fox, W. Furmanski, G. Krishnamurthy, H. Ozdemir, K. Rangarajan and A. Sood] 2. "Using WebHLA to Integrate HPC FMS Modules with Web/Commodity based Distributed Object Technologies of CORBA, Java, COM and XML", the Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference (ASTC99), San Diego, CA, Apr 11-15, 1999. [with Geoffrey C. Fox, Wojtek Furmanski, Ganesh Krishnamurthy, Hasan T. Ozdemir, Tom A. Pulikal, Krishnan Rangarajan and Ankur Sood] 3. "WebHLA - An Interactive Multiplayer Environment for High Performance Distributed Modeling and Simulation", International Conference on Web-based Modeling and Simulation (WebSim99), San Francisco, CA, January 17-20, 1999, [ with G. C. Fox, W. Furmanski, S. Nair, H. T. Ozdemir, and T. A. Pulikal] 4. "WebHLA - An Interactive Programming and Training Environment for High Performance Distributed FMS", Simulation Interoperability Workshop (SIW Fall 98) [with G.C.Fox, W. Furmanski, S. Nair, H.T. Ozdemir and T. Pulikal] 5. "Microsoft DirectPlay meets DMSO RTI for Virtual Prototyping in HPC T&E", in Proceedings of the ITEA'98 Workshop on High Performance Computing in Support of Test and Evaluation, Aberdeen, MD, July 13-16, 1998, [with G. C. Fox, W. Furmanski, and S. Nair] 6. "WebHLA - An Interactive Programming and Training Environment for High Performance Modeling and Simulation", DoD HPC 98 Users Group Conference [with D. Bernholdt, G. C. Fox, W. Furmanski, B. Natarajan, H.T. Ozdemir and T. Pulikal] 7. "Exploring JSDA, CORBA and HLA based MuTech's for Scalable Televirtual (TVR) Environments", the Workshop on OO and VRML in the VRML98 Conference, Monterey, California on Feb 16-19,1998. [with D. Dias, G. Fox, W. Furmanski, V. Mehra, B. Natarajan, S. Pallickara, H.T. Ozdemir ] 8. "A Digital Image Processing Subsystem For Semi Automated Karyotyping," International Symp. on Computer and Information Science, Antalya, Turkey, (November 7-9, 1994). [with H.T. Ozdemir, U. Karakas, M.S. Beksac and N. Cakar] 9. "Design and Implementation of Semi-Automated System for Fetal Head Images", 11th Informatique Conference of Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey, (Sept. 14-17, 1994) in Turkish. [with H.T. Ozdemir and U. Karakas] Technical Reports 1. "Parallel and Metacomputing Support for CMS - Comprehensive Minefield Simulation, Demonstration Handout", Supercomputing 98, Orlando, FL, November 7-13, 1998. [with D. Bernholdt, P. Chappell, G. C. Fox, W. Furmanski, D. Kasthuril, G. Krishnamurthy, S. Nair, H. T. Ozdemir, K. Rangarajan and K. Snively] 2. "Integrating Web, Desktop, Enterprise and Military Simulation Technologies To Enable World-Wide Scalable Televirtual (TVR) Environments", 1998, [ with Geofrey C. Fox and Wojtek Furmanski,B. Natarajan, H.T. Ozdemir, S. Pallickara and T. Pulikal ] 3. "Building Web/Commodity based Visual Authoring Environments for Distributed Object/Component Applications - A Case Study using NPAC WebFlow System", 1998, [ with E. Akarsu, G.C.Fox, W. Furmanski, T. Haupt, H.T. Ozdemir, S. Pallickara and T. Pulikal ] 4. "Genetic Algorithms and Applications", Hacettepe University Computer Science and Engineering Department Technical Report, (1992). [with H.T. Ozdemir] 5. "MYDEARBABY Project Report: Expert System that monitorizes Fetal Heart Rate", Hacettepe University Computer Scince and Engineering Department Technical Report, (1991). [with H.T. Ozdemir and U. Karakas] Presentations 1. "Parallel and Metacomputing Support for CMS - Comprehensive Minefield Simulation", Supercomputing 98 Demonstration, Orlando, FL, November 7-13, 1998. [with H. T. Ozdemir] To be published in ASC MSRC Journal.