From hra@pollux.cs.uga.eduMon May 4 15:53:37 1998 Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 11:03:54 -0400 From: Hamid Arabnia To:,,,, Subject: PDPTA'98 Conference - Your submission ... Dear Dr. Zhang: I am pleased to inform you that the following paper which you submitted to the 1998 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'98, July 13 - 16, 1998, Las Vegas Hilton, USA) has been accepted as a REGULAR Paper for presentation at the Conference. 100P A High Level SPMD Programming Model: HPspmd and Its Java Language Binding Guansong Zhang*, Bryan Carpenter, Geoffrey Fox, Xinying Li, and Yuhong Wen 111 College Place, NPAC at Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244, USA Each paper was carefully reviewed by at least two reviewers (except for papers that were directly submitted to Session Chairs - Session Chairs were responsible for the evaluation of these papers.) The paper acceptance rate for REGULAR papers was about 31%. Appended to this message, you will find: Conference Registration Form, Copyright Form, Hotel Reservation Form, and Typing Instructions for the preparation of the Camera-Ready papers. Comments from the reviewers are enclosed only if the reviewers had suggestions for the preparation of the final paper. The Camera-Ready paper, completed Copyright form, and Conference Registration Form together with registration fee must reach us no later than May 22, 1998. We would also like to receive the completed Hotel Reservation Form by May 22, 1998 (if at all possible). Authors of REGULAR papers are expected to present their papers at the Conference (each presentation will be 25 minutes long.) An overhead view graph projector will be provided to each technical session; if an author needs additional or other audio/visual aids, it should be made known in advance. A firm commitment from at least one of the authors to present the paper is required before the paper is included in the Conference Proceedings. The information about the time and the date of your presentation will be E-mailed to you as soon as it becomes available (Mid June). Congratulations, and thank you for your contribution to the Conference. I look forward to seeing you at the conference which will be held at Las Vegas Hilton, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (July 13 - 16, 1998). Kindest regards, Hamid R. Arabnia (General Chair, PDPTA'98) **************************************************************** Please find enclosed the following information (separated with a row of stars (`*'): 1. Conference Registration Form (Due Date: May 22, 1998). Conference registration fee must be received with the the completed registration form. 2. Copyright Form (Due Date: May 22, 1998). 3. Hotel Reservation Form (would be helpful if received by May 22, 1997 - BUT NO LATER than June 10, 1998). 4. Typing Instructions for the preparation of the Camera-Ready paper. ************************************************************************** CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM The 1998 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'98) July 13-16, 1998 Las Vegas Hilton Paradise Road, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Please complete this form (type or print), and return with your payment to the address given at the end of this form. Your First Name:__________________________ Last Name:______________________ Title (Dr/Mr/Ms/Prof.):___________ Position:__________________________ Company/Univ.:_____________________________________ Dept.:____________ Address:______________________________________________________________ City:___________________ State:________________ Zip/Postal Code:______ Country:___________________________ Phone:____________________________ Fax:_______________________________ E-mail:___________________________ Mailing Address (if different from above):____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Registration Fee (if received by May 22, 1998):* Non-student ($430): $__________ Full Time Student ($330): $__________ **Number of Additional Papers X $200: $__________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED (in U.S. Dollars): $__________ * For their papers to be included in the conference proceedings, authors of papers must register by May 22, 1998. ** Authors with more than one paper must pay an "Additional Paper Charge" of $200 for each additional paper. (After May 22, 1998, registration will be accepted only if space is available. Add $80 if registering after May 22, 1998.) Additional Notes: 1. All Payments must be in U.S. Dollars ONLY. All checks from banks outside the United States should be cashable at a branch of that bank in the United States or at any US bank. If you send us check or Money Order, it should have complete "micro encoding line" at the bottom of it (ask your bank about this.) You can also send American Express checks (be sure that you sign the check and make it payable to "CSREA"). 2. Student rate attendees must have a letter from their Department Head/Chair that states that the attendee is a full time student. This letter is required to pick up the registration materials on site. 3. Refund Policy: Paid author registrants who cannot attend, and do not send a substitute, are entitled to a refund of $150 if a request is received in writing on or before June 5, 1998 (this represents the remainder of the fee after deducting the cost of the publication of the paper and the cost of cancelling a presentation slot at the conference.) Registrants are liable for their full fees after that date (i.e., NO Refund will be made). Signature:_________________________ Date:________________ Method of Payment (in order of preference): Check or Money Order: Make check (or money order) payable to "CSREA" (in US Dollars ONLY). The check (or money order) must be drawn on U.S. Banks (see Additional Notes no. 1, previous page.) Credit Cards: Circle one: Visa MasterCard American Express Amount (in US Dollars): $______________________________ Credit Card # (Print): ________________________________ Card Expiration Date: _________________________________ Name on Card: _________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ International Bank Transfers (wire): Send an email to for information regarding wire transfers. Address to which the forms and payments should be mailed: Send the signed and completed registration form together with the registration fee to (they must be received by May 22, 1998): C.S.R.E.A. c/o: Dr. Hamid R. Arabnia P. O. Box 48387 Athens, Georgia 30604-8387 U.S.A. email: Send the completed hotel reservation form to the same address (above). ************************************************************************** THE COPYRIGHT FORM This form must be completed and signed by all authors (or by one designated author); no paper will be published without the signed CopyRight form. Mail the completed form to the following address by May 22, 1998: C.S.R.E.A. (C/O: Chair, PDPTA'98, Dr. Hamid R. Arabnia) P.O.Box 48387 Athens, Georgia 30604-8387 U.S.A. Title of Paper: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Author(s): _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Address(es): _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Organization(s):_____________________________________________ Publications: The proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'98) (July 13-16, 1998) The undersigned hereby assigns copyright rights to the above paper to CSREA (Computer Science Research, Education, and Applications Tech). The undersigned hereby represents and warrants that the work is original and that he/she is the author of the work. The undersigned represents that he/she has the power and authority to make and execute this assignment. _________________________________________________________ Authorized Signature Title _________________________________________________________ Employer For Whom Work Was Performed (if applicable) Date _________________________________________________________ Author's Daytime Phone Fax Email Joint Authorship: For jointly authored works, all the joint authors should sign, or one of the authors should sign as an authorized agent for the others. ************************************************************************** HOTEL RESERVATION FORM PDPTA'98 Conference July 13 - 16, 1998 Las Vegas Hilton 3000 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109, USA Complete and return to: C.S.R.E.A. (C/O: Dr. Hamid R. Arabnia) P.O.Box 48387 Athens, Georgia 30604-8387 U.S.A. Arrival Date:_________________ Departure Date:___________________ Guest Names: 1. ________________________ 2. _________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ E-mail: ______________________ Phone: _______________________ Must Provide the following information: Credit Card Type:______________________________ Credit Card Number:____________________________ Expiration:____________________________________ Name on Card:__________________________________ Rates are available July 12 - 16, 1998. The room rate is $99.00 (+ 9% tax) for Single or Double occupancy. The main sponsor of the PDPTA'98 conference, CSREA, has reserved a block of about 700 room nights for the duration of the conference. These rooms are available only to the PDPTA participants. If you would like to book your room directly, then call Las Vegas Hilton at 1-800-732-7117 (within the US) BUT MAKE SURE that you mention one of the two following codes "PDPTA" or "CSREA" (these are the keywords that the hotel will use to handle the reserved block of rooms.) ROOMS HAVE TO BE RESERVED BY JUNE 10, 1998. There will be no need to contact Las Vegas Hilton, if you return this form to us; we will reserve the room for you. ************************************************************************** Typing Instructions F. Author S. Author Computer Science Department Department of Mathematics Whatsamatta University Razi University Frostbite Falls, MN, U.S.A. Mild Spot, NE, U.S.A. Abstract - Type the abstract (100 to 150 words) using Italic font with point size 10. The abstract is an essential part of the paper. Use short, direct, and complete sentences. It should be as brief as possible and concise. It should be complete, self-explanatory, and not require reference to the paper itself. The abstract should be informative giving the scope and emphasize the main conclusions, results, or significance of the work described. Do not use the first person; do not include mathematical expressions; do not refer to the references. Keywords: parallel, interconnection networks, ... 1 Introduction These are instructions for authors typesetting for the 1998 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'98) to be held at Las Vegas Hilton, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A, July 13-16, 1998. The latex macros for the preparation of the Camera-Ready papers can be found at: or The paper is to be written in two-column format. The column width should be approximately 3 inches. The gap between the two columns should be about 0.375 inches. 1.1 Instructions For Authors In order for the proceedings to be ready for distribution at the conference, a hard copy of your paper (the Camera-Ready paper) must be received by H. R. Arabnia (address is given below) no later than May 22, 1998: C.S.R.E.A. c/o: Dr. Hamid R. Arabnia P. O. Box 48387 Athens, Georgia 30604-8387 U.S.A. E-mail: On a blank page covering your (Camera-Ready paper), write: "For PDPTA'98 Conference Proceedings". Note to authors from outside the U.S.: regular air mail may take about 10 to 14 days. Please allow about two weeks for regular air to reach Dr. Arabnia; if you cannot, please use a service such as Federal Express (or DHL, ...) to guarantee arrival on time! 2 Formatting Instructions 2.1 Length The maximum allowed number of pages is 8 for Regular and 4 for Short papers. 2.2 Title Type the title approximately 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) below the first line of the page and use 20 points typefont size. Center the title (horizontally) on the page. Leave approximately 1 centimeter (0.4 inches) between the title and the name and address of yourself (and of your co-authors, if any.) Type name(s) and address(es) in 11 points and center them (horizontally) on the page. 2.3 Section Headings and Subsection Headings Number section and subsection headings consecutively in Arabic numbers and type them in bold. Use point size 14 for section headings and 12 for subsection headings. Avoid using too many capital letters. Keep section and subsection headings always flushed left. 2.4 Main Text Use at least 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) for the left and right margins. Use Roman and font size 11 for text (character size.) Do not use bold in the main text; if you want to emphasize specific parts of the main text, use italics. Start a new paragraph by indenting it from the left margin (and not by inserting a blank line), except under a section or subsection heading. Leave a margin of at least 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) at the page head for placing the final numbers and running heads. Type on one side of a sheet only. You may type on plain white paper (A4 size in Europe, or other standard size used in other parts of the world; Typing area should not exceed 9.2 x 6.5 inches (23.4 x 16.5 centimeters.)) The text should be prepared with a double column format and single line spacing. 2.5 Figures All illustrations should be original drawings or photographic prints of originals. Photographs should be glossy prints. Photocopies are often not good enough and should be avoided. All illustrations must be numbered consecutively (i.e., not section-wise), using Arabic numbers. Center figure captions beneath the figure. If possible, do not assemble figures at the back of your article, but place them as close as possible to where they are mentioned in the main text. No part of a figure should go beyond the typing area. 2.6 Tables All tables must be numbered consecutively (in Arabic numbers.) Table headings should be placed above the table. Place tables as close as possible to where they are mentioned in the main text. 2.7 References References to the literature should be mentioned in the main text by an Arabic number in square brackets. List these (in numerical order) at the very end of your paper (under the heading `References'.) Start each reference on a new line (by its number in square brackets.) 2.8 Fine Tuning - Do not end a page with a section or subsection heading. - Keep footnotes to a minimum. - Do not include page numbers in the text. 2.9 Finalization After proofreading and correcting the typed sheets, write in pencil (lightly) on the back (top right hand corner) of each sheet: your name and the sheet number. Mark the very last sheet by `Last Page'. Keep a photocopy of the finished manuscript for your own record and send the original copy to Dr. Arabnia (address is given above.) Proper usage of the English language is expected of all submissions (i.e., Camera-Ready papers.) Failure to follow the above specified guidelines may result in a submission being rejected for publication in the conference proceedings. 3 References [1] Leslie Lamport. LaTeX: A Document Preparation System. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1986. [2] Ree Source Person. A really great journal paper. 23(2): 728--736, Oct 1976. **************************************************************************