Here ``[ ]'' is used to construct a new location, it is also used to construct a new range in the following code.
Unlike other expressions in Java, there is no type information associate with a triplet expression.
When section is made in a collapsed dimension, a integer or triplet expression is used directly.
When used in method calls, # marked type is a super-type of the one without the symbol. i.e. an argument of float[[,]], float[[#,]] and float[[,#]] type can all be passed to a dummy of type float[[#,#]]. But it is not true vise versa.
But a compiler can implement over construct in a more efficient way. For detail definition on over construct, please refer to [3]
For more analysis, please refer to our documents at http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/pcrc/doc

Guansong Zhang
Mon Feb 23 15:47:12 EST 1998