Dr. Guansong Zhang 

Research Scientist
Northeast Parallel Architecture Center
at Syracuse University

Research interest

Research work at NPAC
  1. The frontEnd system as programming language processing tools
  2. HPF frontend intermediate representation testing and unparsing
  3. Adlib package configuration and Java interface
  4. PCRC run time library
  5. HPF compiler
  6. "Structured SPMD programming" Java binding-- HPJava language
Research work in colleage
  1. Compiler development: Fortran D prototype implementation.
  2. Parallel programming analyse for system efficiency and speedup.
  3. System software development for ABC-90, an array based SIMD computer.
  4. Interconnection network: design and implement the interconnection network for non-conflict access of array vectors.

email address: zgs@npac.syr.edu

Mailing address:

Guansong Zhang
NPAC, SU, 111 College Place
Syracuse, NY, 13244