JNDI/NIS Service Provider Release Notes Sept 30, 1998 This is the FCS 1.0 version of the JNDI NIS service provider. Please send your feedback on the NIS service provider to us at jndi@java.sun.com, or to the public mailing list at jndi-interest@java.sun.com. CHANGES SINCE BETA Here are the highlights of the changes to the NIS service provider since the Beta release (June 30, 1998) BUG FIXES: - The userPassword attribute now has a "{crypt}" prefix and returned as an octet string (byte[]) rather than a String (see RFC 2307). - YP errors encountered during enumerations are passed up to caller. - Support for "nis" URLs to initial context. - Added attributes to maps themselves (the "nisMap" object). - Filled out some missing objectclass attributes for some map entries. - Removed '#' prefix from description attributes and trim their leading and trailing blanks. - Searches using string filters will try to use index maps where possible. - rpc.bynumber map incorrectly returned rpc number as name. - services.byname map will return multiple protocols if map indicates thus. - Throws ConfigurationException instead of IllegalArgumentException for bad URLs. RELEASE INFORMATION This release contains: lib/nis.jar class files for the NIS service provider. lib/providerutil.jar utilities used by service providers developed by Sun. The NIS service provider uses some of the classes in this jar. This jar file is interchangeable with the providerutil.jar file that you may have downloaded with one of the other service providers from Sun. You need the June 30th version of this jar when using the Beta1 version of the NIS provider. doc/providers/NIS.txt contains detailed descriptions of the provider. This release works with the JNDI1.1 and higher release. Your classpath must include the following when using the NIS service provider: lib/jndi.jar:lib/nis.jar:lib/providerutil.jar The classes in this release have been generated using JDK1.1.5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION examples/api (available as part of the general JNDI1.1.1 distribution) contains generic examples for accessing any naming and directory service, including NIS. See examples/api/README. examples/browser (available as a separate download) contains a JNDI browser for browsing any naming and directory service, including NIS. See examples/browser/README-DEMO.txt. The JNDI API and SPI specifications, javadoc, and a tutorial are available at the Java Software Web site (http://java.sun.com/jndi/).