JNDI 1.1.1 Release Notes 8/27/98 This is the 1.1.1 version of JNDI. Please send feedback to the JNDI team at jndi@java.sun.com, or to the public mailing list at jndi-interest@java.sun.com. JNDI 1.1.1 is a bug-fix release. There are no API changes. Client applications and service providers written to JNDI 1.1 will work without modification with JNDI 1.1.1. CHANGES SINCE 1.1 (1/27/98) Bug Fixes: o CompoundName.hashCode() matches CompoundName.equals() such that two names that tests "true" in equals() have the same hash code. o Added BasicAttribute.hashCode() to match BasicAttribute.equals() such that two attributes that are equal have the same hash code. o BasicAttribute.equals() checks equality of two arrays by checking their elements instead of using Object.equals(). Methods that depend on the notion of equality are similarly affected (hashCode(), contains(), add(), remove()). o BasicAttributes.getIDs() no longer converts IDs to lowercase. o Methods in InitialDirContext throw NotContextException (instead of NoInitialContextException) on attempts to invoke a DirContext method on a non-DirContext. o Fixed problem in InitialContext in which modifications made to the environment were not always propogated to subsequently-created child contexts. o Removed synchronized modifier from NamingManager.getObjectInstance() and NamingManager.getInitialContext() methods. An inner block is synchronized instead to reduce the size of the critical section. o Fixed problem in NamingManager.getURLContext() so that it doesn't throw IllegalArgumentException when ':' is encountered in a name when used with Java 1.1.x systems. o Fixed problem in ContinuationDirContext that caused a null pointer exception to be thrown instead of CannotProceedException. o Updated format of manifest file so that the jar works with JDK1.2beta4. Documentation Updates: The javadoc has been clarified and expanded upon in many places based on your feedback since the 1.1 release. It also has a new format (generated using javadoc from JDK1.2) and includes an overview and package summaries. See http://java.sun.com/products/jndi/javadoc/. RELEASE INFORMATION This 1.1.1 release consists of material generic to JNDI: lib/jndi.jar class files for JNDI classes examples/api Simple examples using JNDI to access naming and directory services examples/spi Simple example of service provider The classes in this release have been generated using JDK1.1.2. See individual release notes for service providers for information on using these JNDI classes with individual service providers. Some Java application environments fail to properly load multiple jar files. One workaround is to extract the class files from each of the jar files using either the jar tool, or a third-party utility for managing zip files. For some releases of the JDK, the jar tool may need to be run twice to extract the contents of a jar file. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The JNDI API and SPI specifications, the updated javadoc, a tutorial, and a demo browser are available at the Java Software Web site (http://java.sun.com/jndi/).