Grading the Assignment #2

Hi everybody, 

Here again I explain what parts in your assignment #2 have been graded, and how many points you could get from each part.

You can reach my previous letter from here anytime. Also, you can check out your grades from here.

For this assignment, the highest grade is 15.  There are 4 parts graded, and the points you get from each part are the following: 

  1. Personal Information - text boxes (#1,2) [4 pts]
  2. State Information - pop-up menu (#3) [3 pts]
  3. Department Information - radio buttons (#4) [4 pts]
  4. Submitting the Form - action buttons (#5) [4 pts]
The format of the Grading Base column has been altered a little. Now it's as follows:
    15 [4 3 4 4]
     |  ---+---
     |     +-----> These are what you get from each part.
     +-----------> This is the max grade you can get from
                   this assignment.
As always, the Grade column shows your final grade from this assignment.

If there is anything unclear, or you have any question about your grades, please ask either me, Tom or Nancy. We are here to help you. 

Ozgur Balsoy 
September 11, 1997