Hi guys, I'd like to make a few comments on your answers to the assignment #3. First of all, let me write what the answers are and how I have graded them. The answers as Tom gave me are the following: Given: http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/tutorials/CGI/examples/basic/register0.html /usr/local/archives/public/projects/01/tutorials/CGI/examples/basic/register0.html Required: http://osprey7.npac.syr.edu:3768/users-cgi/trscavo/tutorials/CGI/examples/basic/validate.pl /servers/cgi-http-class/htdoc/users-cgi/trscavo/tutorials/CGI/examples/basic/validate.pl http://osprey7.npac.syr.edu:3768/users-cgi/trscavo/tutorials/CGI/examples/basic/register.pl /servers/cgi-http-class/htdoc/users-cgi/trscavo/tutorials/CGI/examples/basic/register.pl http://osprey7.npac.syr.edu:3768/users-cgi/trscavo/tutorials/CGI/examples/basic/register.db /servers/cgi-http-class/htdoc/users-cgi/trscavo/tutorials/CGI/examples/basic/register.db Optional: http://osprey7.npac.syr.edu:3768/users-cgi/trscavo/tutorials/CGI/examples/basic/database.pl /servers/cgi-http-class/htdoc/users-cgi/trscavo/tutorials/CGI/examples/basic/database.pl http://osprey7.npac.syr.edu:3768/users-cgi/trscavo/tutorials/CGI/examples/basic/ReadParse.pl /servers/cgi-http-class/htdoc/users-cgi/trscavo/tutorials/CGI/examples/basic/ReadParse.pl Your max grade from this assignment is 5, and you get 4 pts for URLs & paths, and 1 pt for a brief description. Hence, the Grading Base is going to be like "5 [4 1]" for a max grade on the Grades page. When you check your grade, most of you will see 4 | 5 [3 1] | URLs are not of Perl programs, but of HTML files of Perl programs | good, because most of you made the same mistake. You confused HTML files and CGI files. I had given 2 points for the 1st part before, but I saw everybody made this mistake and decided to give one more point. What is the mistake? The difference between an HTML file and a CGI script is that the former is a text file with a bunch of HTML tags, sitting on the file system, and forwarded to the user without been taken no action on it and its content. On the other hand, the latter is an executable program (in our case on a UNIX system) which has to be executed by the Web server first, and then its output is sent to users. As an example, let's take the validate.pl that all of you found. Validate.pl is a Perl program, hence is a CGI script which has to be executed on the server side (osprey7) before its output is sent to users. However validate.pl.html which all of you gave as the URL of validate.pl is an HTML file which only has the source code of the validate.pl, and cannot be executed. In conclusion, the URL of validate.pl is already given in the ACTION option on register0.html page, which is: http://osprey7.npac.syr.edu:3768/users-cgi/trscavo/tutorials/CGI/examples/basic/validate.pl Notice the file name at the end of URL. I wish you good luck on your future assignments. Ozgur