Ozgur Balsoy 130-M Remington Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210-3669 (315) 425-5916 balsoy@top.cis.syr.edu http://www.cis.syr.edu/~balsoy Objective Become a distinct professor in computer science. Education M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA August 1995-May 1997 GPA: 3.50/4.00 B.S., Computer Engineering, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey October 1988-May 1993 GPA: 78/100 Course Profile Computational Science for the Information Age Multimedia Information systems Object-Oriented Design Computer Architecture Design and Analysis of Algorithms Principles of Operating Systems Expert Systems Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Structured Programming and Formal Methods Honors/Societies Chairperson of the Syracuse University ACM Student Chapter. Teaching Assistanship for Fall 96 and Spring 97 from Syracuse University Awarded scholarship for graduate study abroad by the Ministry of Education, the Republic of Turkey. Responsible for the home page of Turkey at Syracuse University, sponsored by the Turkish Student Association, http://web.syr.edu/~obalsoy/Turkiye. Awarded scholarship for high school by Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/. Projects Visualization of the Periodic Table of the Elements - Performing element information queries and 3-D solar modelling of the elements' atoms in VRML. - URL: http://speedy.npac.syr.edu:3768/cps616spring96-docs/ /balsoy/project/Contents.html. - Instructor: Geoffrey C. Fox, gcf@npac.syr.edu. NetBoard - A Collaboratory Whiteboard for the Internet - An environment to develop, save, and browse course materials on the Internet. - Developed using Java and CGI programming with Perl. - URL: http://speedy.npac.syr.edu:3768/Project/. - Instructor: Roger Chen, rchen@cat.syr.edu. Work Experience 1/97-now Teaching Assistant in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Syracuse University - TA and lab instructor for ECS400 Software Technologies for the World Wide Web using Java & CGI programming with Perl. - Maintainer of the class web page at http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/ecs400spring97/. - Instructor: Dr. Nancy McCracken, njm@npac.syr.edu. 8/96-12/96 Teaching Assistant at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Syracuse University - TA for CPS606 Computational Methods for Distributed Information Systems using Java & CGI programming with Perl. - Maintainer of the class Web page at http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/cps606fall96/. - Instructor: Dr. Nancy McCracken, njm@npac.syr.edu. 10/93-8/94 Systems Programmer at the Ege University Computer Center - Developed software on an IBM 3090 VM/SP CMS mainframe. - Installed and maintained the Internet services (ie. WWW, gopher, FTP) of the university on the DEC Alpha AXP workstations and the IBM mainframe. - IBM Technical Education. Formal Training on VSE/SP and CICS. 5/93-8/93 Commercial Program for Chronicle AS, Izmir, Turkey - Developed a patient information database for dentists using Visual Basic and Paradox Database Engine. - Led a team of four computer engineers. 7/92-8/92 Summer Internship at the Computer Center of PETKIM AS, Aliaga, Turkey - Developed a database maintainance program of expenses employees make in recreation areas to deduct from payrolls using VSE/CICS, SQL and PL/1. Note: PETKIM is the leading petro-chemistry company in Turkey. 1/92-9/93 LAN Manager, Programmer at Distas AS, Izmir, Turkey - Responsible for the setup and maintainance of the company's local area network running Novell Netware 3.12. - Developed software in Visual Basic over the network. 6/91-12/92 Lab Instructor in public courses (for MS-DOS and GWBASIC) at Ege University, Izmir, Turkey Computer Experience Languages HTML, Perl, Java, VRML, CGI scripting, awk, shell scripts Visual BASIC, C/C++, Object Pascal, Prolog, SmallTalk, LISP, CLIPS REXX, PL/1, FORTRAN, Assembly Operating Systems Unix, MS-Windows, MS-DOS, Mac OS, VM/CMS Architectures DEC Alpha AXP, Sun, IBM 3090 and 4341, Intel 80x86 compatibles, Z80s