i've packaged up all of the classes you had asked about, and they are retreivable from https://imglib.lbl.gov/AkentiDist/CorbaAkenti.tar.gz you are aware that this only works with Iona's Orbix product? The general idea could be easily extended to any Orb that implements OMG Interceptors, but filter's are added in Orbix by subclassing CORBA::Filter, a Orbix specific class. i've included below the commands i used to compile and link a modified version of the SSLgrid2 demo that comes with OrbixSSL. hope that helps you get started. --keith CC -g -mt -pto -DSSLEAY -D_REENTRANT -I/home/u2/users/kjackson/security/release/sun-sol/include -I/opt/OrbixMT_2.3c/inc -I/opt/OrbixSSL1.0c/inc -I. -I/home/itgsrc/security/release/sun-sol/include -o client Client.o SSLgrid2C.o SSLgrid2_i.o -L/home/u2/users/kjackson/security/release/sun-sol/lib -lCPPsecurity -lCPPbase -L/opt/OrbixMT_2.3c/lib -L/opt/OrbixSSL1.0c/lib -L/home/itgsrc/security/release/sun-sol/lib -lldap -llber -lldif -lcertlib -lssl -lcrypto -lbaselib -lorbixmt -lITtlsmt -lgen -ldl -lsocket -lnsl -lm CC -g -mt -pto -DSSLEAY -D_REENTRANT -I/home/u2/users/kjackson/security/release/ sun-sol/include -I/opt/OrbixMT_2.3c/inc -I/opt/OrbixSSL1.0c/inc -I. -I/home/itgsrc/security/release/sun-sol/include -o server Srv_Main.o SSLgrid2S.o SSLgrid2_i.o AkentiFilter.o DN_util.o -L/home/u2/users/kjackson/security/release/sun-sol/li b -lCPPsecurity -lCPPbase -L/opt/OrbixMT_2.3c/lib -L/opt/OrbixSSL1.0c/lib -lssl -lcrypto -lbaselib -lorbixmt -lITtlsmt -lgen -ldl -lsocket -lnsl -lm