HPCC and Java -- A Report by The Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium (PCRC)

Proposed Writing Responsibilities

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse University:
1.1, 1.2 ,2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.7, 6.3, 8.2
Cooperating Systems:
4.1, 4.2 4.3
Indiana University:
1.4, 3.3, 6.2, 7.2, 7.4, 8.3
Rice University:
5.1, 5.2(shared), 5.3, 5.4
University of Maryland:
2.4, 2.5, 3.4, 8.1
University of Rochester:
2.6, 5.2(shared), 6.4, 7.1, 8.4
University of Texas:
1.3, 3.1, 3.2, 6.1, 7.3

General Approach:

Some comments from Geoffrey Fox:

Proposed Outline of Final Report

Note section numbers such as 2.1syr refer to text in original document and are hyperlinked to it

1: Introduction
1.1 What is Java and What is HPCC and why they need each other SYRACUSE
1.2 The HPCC Application Motivation for Java -- Meta-Challenges
(2.1syr) SYRACUSE
1.3 The Nature of Java Applications and their need for HPCC
(1.1tex, 1.7ind cf: sec. 2.7 below) TEXAS
1.4 Lessons from and Relation to HPF HPC++ Fortran-M and other HPCC Software Systems
(3.1ind, 3.2ind, 3.3ind, 4.4csc) INDIANA

2: Further Details of Motivating Applications
If gets too long, details can go into appendices
2.1 General Discussion of Meta-Challeges
(2.2syr) SYRACUSE
2.2 An Example -- Distributed Interactive Simulation
(2.3syr, 2.4syr) SYRACUSE
2.3 An Example -- Manufacturing
2.4 An Example -- Remote Sensing and Data Fusion
(2.5umd) UMD
2.5 An Example -- Medical Interventional Informatics
(2.6umd) UMD
2.6 An Example -- Network-based data mining (Rochester)

With large volumes of routine data having been collected, many organizations are increasingly turning to the extraction of useful information from such databases. Such high-level inference processes may provide information on patterns from large databases of particular interest to defense analysis.

Data mining is an emerging research area, whose goal is to extract significant patterns or interesting rules from such large databases. Data mining is in fact a broad area which combines research in machine learning, statistics and databases. It can be broadly classified into three main categories: Classification -- finding rules that partition the database into disjoint classes; Sequences -- extracting commonly occurring sequences in temporal data; and Associations -- find the set of most commonly occurring groupings of items.

At Rochester, we have worked on the problem of mining association rules in parallel over basket data on both distributed shared-memory multiprocessors and a network of machines. Basket data usually consists of a record per customer with a transaction date, along with items bought by the customer. Many real-world applications can be formulated in such a manner. Our preliminary experimental results on a SGI Power Challenge shared-memory multiprocessor machine and a DEC Memory Channel cluster are very encouraging.

The next step is to consider scenarios where the database server is accessible via the Internet. The machine independent nature of Java makes it ideally suited to writing both the server and client code. The server could be a collection of machines, i.e., it could be a single tightly-coupled multi-processor shared or distributed memory machine, it could be a network of workstations, or any combination of these with heterogeneous processing elements, and heterogeneous interconnection network. The client side could be a heterogeneous collection of machines as well. We need compiler and run-time support to manage both the client and the server. The compiler should be able to insert code to exploit the local network configurations on both ends, while the run-time system monitors dynamic behavior and executes different actions according to the transient information. We have implemented a client-server data mining algorithm in Java. The preliminary results will be discussed in more detail in Section 8.5.

Data mining algorithms tend to have program behaviors quite different from traditional Grand Challenge problems in terms of both data access patterns and control flow. Unlike simple array structures used in scientific code, the data structures used in mining algorithms include hash trees, hash tables, and linked lists. Consider mining for associations: the first step consists of finding all the sets of items (called itemsets), that occur in the database with a certain user-specified frequency (called minimum support). Such itemsets are called large itemsets. An itemset of k items is called a k-itemset. The general structure of algorithms for mining associations are as follows. The initial pass over the database counts the support for all 1-itemsets. The large 1-itemsets are used to generate candidate 2-itemsets. The database is scanned again to obtain occurrence counts for the candidates, and the large 2-itemsets are selected for the next pass. This iterative process is repeated for k = 3,4, ... till there are no more large k-itemsets to be found. Effective parallelization and networked computing require new research in algorithms, compilers and runtime systems.

2.7 Java based Web Server and Client Agents
(An example of conventional Java application/applet needing HPCC -- filtering VRML for Visible Human database is one possibility) -- cf: sec. 1.3
3: Models for the HPJava Programming Environment
3.1 General Philosophy and Discussion of Possibilities
(1.2tex, 1.3tex, 4.2ind cf: sec 1.3 above) TEXAS
3.2 Object and Applet Parallelism
(1.2tex, 1.3tex, 7.4.6ind) TEXAS
3.3 Task and Control Parallelism
(7.3.1ind) INDIANA
3.4 Data Parallelism
(1.6tex, 1.6ind) UMD

4: Possible Java Language Enhancements and Support Classes for HPCC
4.1 Current Java Features for Concurrent and Distributed Computing
(1.4tex, 1.4ind, 1.5ind, 1.7ind) CSC
4.2 Language Enhancements
(1.5tex, 1.5ind, 4.2csc, 4.3csc, 4.2ind ) CSC
4.3 Class and Interface Support
(4.1csc, 4.5ind) CSC

5. Compilation/Interpretation Issues
5.1. Compiled vs. interpreted
(6.1rice, 6.1ind, 5.1roc ) RICE
5.2. Compilation issues
(6.2rice, 5.2roc) RICE and ROCHESTER

Section 5.2 (Contribution from Rochester) Compilation Issues

The current Java compiler takes the hybrid approach of compilation and interpretation. At Rochester, we would like to exploit more options to generate efficient code for High Performance Java applications. We consider three scenarios:

(i) Compiling Java to bytecode.
In this approach HPCC Java could be interpreted. The compiler would generate Java VM code suitable for HPCC problems. In addition to HPCC-specific optimizations, this may require generating (or applying user-provided) annotations. There is no consensus yet, whether using HPCC-specific annotations is desirable.
(ii) Compiling Java to native code.
Here, we would treat Java programs in the same way as we treat programs in other languages (C++, Fortran). Due to the dynamic nature of Java, different approaches are possible when all source files are available and when we compile one class at a time. In the first case we may be able to eliminate some overheads (e.g., type checks, array range checks, virtual method invocations). In the latter case, only local optimizations would be possible.
This scenario gives us the most flexibility, but is not acceptable in some circumstances. In "network computing" we want applications to be distributed in the bytecode format. In that case we have to use approach (i) or (iii) or a combination of both. An orthogonal issue is how to handle java class libraries, which (if any) are implemented implicitly in the interpreter, these will probably have to be implemented in some HLL or directly in native code. This is also an issue in scenario (iii) below.
(iii) Compiling bytecode to native code.
This seems to promise a lot of power. We expect that interpreting the bytecode (even with quick variants of VM instructions or localized just-in-time compilation) will be inherently slower than running native code. Our early experiments with data mining in Java have confirmed this observation (cf. Sec. 8.5). This is especially true if we can compile a large part of the application (ideally, the whole application) at the same time. Then, we can apply optimizations like inlining or compile-time type checking which otherwise would be available only in scenario (ii).
A variant of this technique would transform bytecode to bytecode with the addition of quick, native methods for common operations and native implementation of common data structures (cf. Sec. 7.1). Such data structures may include arrays or lists. Such a data structure could be implemented with the internal representation which could be used directly by native methods implementing most common operations. An interface would be provided to access the data structure from Java.

At Rochester, we are implementing compiler infrastructure with multiple front- and back-ends which will uniformly treat all scenarios mentioned above (cf. Section 8.4). We expect to include traditional optimizations like cache optimizations, register allocations etc.

5.3. Interaction with runtime
(6.3rice) RICE
5.4. Tools interface
(6.4rice) RICE

6. Runtime Support
6.1. Dynamic communication and distributed nameservers
(7.1.1tex, 7.1.2tex, 7.1.3tex, 7.1.4tex, 7.1.5tex, 7.1.6tex) TEXAS
6.2. Parallel and conventional CORBA interface to Java
(7.2.1ind, 7.2.2ind, 7.2.3ind) INDIANA
6.3. Low level runtime issues -- PCRC Distributed Memory
(8.1.1syr, 8.1.2syr, 8.1.3syr, 8.2.4ind) SYRACUSE (Including Ranka at Florida)
6.4 Low level runtime issues -- Threads (Rochester)

(8.2.1roc, 8.2.2roc, 8.2.3ind)

Threads in Java are supported for concurrency. This is useful as perceived by a user, when response time is important, e.g. the HotJava browser where you can scroll a page while down-loading an image. It currently does not support threads running on separate processors. Our main objective in this section is to support parallel threads, at no expense to the Java programmer. We would prefer not to change, modify or limit the language as perceived by the user.

There seem to be two possible scenarios:

1) Replace the current Java thread package: implement a completely new native threads package for each architecture to be supported. Use this package instead of the Java thread class.
The advantage of this approach is that no special compiler support is required. It is less susceptible to changes in the language. The disadvantage is that this might not be possible. If the interpreter actually implicitly "implements" threads where it just branches from one context to another on a yield or a scheduling call, then replacement might not be feasible. This obviously requires a more complete knowledge of how the interpreter behaves w.r.t thread library calls.
2) Add a new parallel thread package: implement a parallel thread package for each architecture that is independent of the Java thread class. Maintaining the original classes may be useful for relatively cheap multi-threading on a single processor and also we may not have a choice!
The advantage is that we may be able to implement the parallel threads mechanism independent of the interpreter to the extent that a Java compiler can insert calls to the parallel threads package directly when appropriate. The disadvantage is that the compiler has to do more work distinguishing between parallel threads and normal Java threads and when it is legal to replace the latter with the former.

At Rochester, we are particularly interested in implementing a parallel thread package for Java with special compiler support on distributed shared-memory (DSM) machines. On scalable multiprocessors, communication is much more expensive than computation. Many different protocols have been proposed for behavior-driven locality management. None of them work best for all types of data sharing. Performance would be increased if the system could adapt to the program's memory access patterns. An example could be the use of multithreading to alleviate memory latency (especially on remote accesses) aggravated by delays introduced by the memory coherency protocol. We propose to analyze programs at compile time and annotate them with data access summary information. Exploiting this information will require the ability to switch among multiple data coherence protocols at run time.

7. Architecture Issues for Integration of Java with HPCC
7.1. Shared Memory Architecture Issues
(5.1roc, 5.2roc, 5.3roc, 5.4roc) ROCHESTER
7.2. Heterogeneity
(5.5roc, 5.6ind) INDIANA
7.3. Fault-tolerance and Reconfigurability
(7.1.6tex) TEXAS
7.4 Security
(7.2.3ind) INDIANA

8. Some Early Experiements.
Details could go into appendices
8.1. At Maryland -- Maryland Responsible for Name(s)
(7.4.1umd, 7.4.2umd, 7.4.3umd) UMD
8.2. At Syracuse -- Syracuse Responsible for Section Name(s)
(7.4.4syr, 7.4.5syr) SYRACUSE
8.3. At Indiana -- Indiana Responsible for Name
(8.2.5ind) INDIANA
8.4 (Rochester) Early Experiments -- Java Compiler Infrastructure

As part of our effort to better understand the compilation issues, at Rochester we are developing a Java compiler which could be used to optimize Java programs.

The compiler would use a common intermediate representation and a collection of front- and back-ends to facilitate re-use of components and independence of optimization passes.

There are two possible front-ends: one would read Java source, the other one would read bytecode.

A set of back-ends would include Java source generation, bytecode generation, and "native" code generation (either in form of some target HLL like C, or actual native code for some architectures).

                                  /=====> Java
Java       ----\                 /
                ======> IR  =====-------> bytecode
bytecode   ====/                 \
                                  \-----> C (or other "native")

Our current development concentrates on a bytecode front-end and Java back-end (shown above with double lines). The choice was made, because using bytecode as an input is more general (if we have access to source, we also have access to its bytecode form -- the converse is not true). Using Java as output has a big advantage in the development phase.

The implementation is not complete: only a subset of legal bytecode constructs is implemented and the definition of our IR is not stable. However, preliminary results are promising. We are able to identify implicit high level constructs such as loops with good success. Also our high level IR makes implementation of code transformation relatively simple.

Code instrumentation is our first application of the compiler framework. We are developing a pass which inserts instrumentation calls. Currently we are instrumenting loops, if-then-else statements, and methods. We are planning to look into the performance of a range of Java applications. The objective is to determine if there are any performance issues that are unique to Java the language (the fact that it is interpreted), and/or applications written in Java (it could be the case that only certain kinds of applications are worth writing in Java).

An Example.

We are given a bytecode representation of a method corresponding to the
following disassembled code.

Method void paintAll(java.awt.Graphics)
   0 iconst_0
   1 istore_2
   2 goto 19
   5 aload_0
   6 aload_0
   7 getfield #7 <Field PCRCexample.CellList [I>
  10 iload_2
  11 iaload
  12 aload_1
  13 invokevirtual #6 <Method PCRCexample.plotCell(ILjava/awt/Graphics;)V>
  16 iinc 2 1
  19 iload_2
  20 aload_0
  21 getfield #4 <Field PCRCexample.n I>
  24 if_icmplt 5
  27 aload_0
  28 aload_1
  29 invokevirtual #3 <Method PCRCexample.updateStatusLine(Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V
  32 return

We can parse the class file and recover a high-level intermediate representation which corresponds to the following source (this was generated automatically by our Java-source back-end).

   public void paintAll (
         java.awt.Graphics a1
      int v0;
      v0 = 0;
      while((v0 < this.n)) {
         this.plotCell(this.CellList[v0], a1);
         v0 = (v0 + 1);
      } //while
   } // paintAll

Since our IR explicitly identifies high-level constructs (e.g.,loops), it is easy to instrument the code and/or perform optimizing transformations.

Section 8.5 (Rochester) Early Experiments -- Network-based Data Mining

We have implemented a preliminary version of network-based data mining at Rochester. Currently, the server is a passive entity in terms of the data mining computation. It's only job is to accept client connections and ship off requested data. The mining process is carried out at the client end. Both the client and server are currently sequential.

We now present some timing results vis-a-vis a C++ implementation of the algorithm which doesn't transmit any data over the network. Below we show two synthetic databases from IBM we looked at:

Database Num_Trans Avg_Trans_Size Total_Size ----------------------------------------------------------- T5.I2.D100K 100,000 5 2.615 Mbytes T10.I4.D100K 100,000 10 4.31 Mbytes These database are accessible only to the server through a file-server. We now present the total execution time for the algorithm. The Java_Time includes the server disk-read time, transmission time and client computation time. C++_Time only gives the disk-read time and computation time. Database Total_Size Java_Time C++_Time -------------------------------------------------- T5.I2.D100K 2.615 Mbytes 367.7s 15.3s T10.I4.D100K 4.31 Mbytes 1847.2s 78.9s The break-up of the execution time is as follows: Database Total_Size Java:Reading Computation C++:Reading Computation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T5.I2.D100K 2.615 Mbytes 292.6s 75.1s 8.8s 6.5s T10.I4.D100K 4.31 Mbytes 478.4s 1368.8s 13.8s 65.1s In Java the net disk-read time and shipping time for data is at the rate of 9Kb/sec vs. 0.31Mb/sec disc read time in C++.

From the experiments, we make two observations:

We will address these issues in our future research.