Health folder

Researchers find increased zonulin levels among celiac disease patients
American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association
Center for Celiac Research
Patient Family Handbook
Important Resources in Gastroenterology
CELIAC (Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List)
CELIAC (Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List)
The 100% Gluten Free Website - Kinnikinnick Foods
Celiac Disease / Gluten Intolerance Support Page
Celiac Disease / Gluten Intolerance Support Page
Celiac in the 90's
The Coeliac Society of the U.K.
From the Neolithic Revolution to Gluten Intolerance: Benefits and Problems Associated with the Cultivation of Wheat
BMJ -- Hin et al. 318 (7177): 164
The Gluten-Free Mall
Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency
Wheat-Free Indulgence
Cookbooks by Savory Palate Press
Maximum tolerable level of gluten
Gluten sensitivity: a many headed hydra
How Modern Eating Habits May Contribute to Depression
Wheat intolerance diagnosis can be difficult
Celiac Sprue among U.S. Military Veterans (Associated Disorders and Clinical Manifestations)
SU staff compensation project Web site
Gluten Solutions