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Interoperable MPI
Parallel Systems, Alwyn Barray
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CRPC Supercomputing '96 Showcase
Workshop: Java for High Performance Network Computing
The TreadMarks software package
Info on Mentat
The ZPL Parallel Programming Language
Laboratory for Scientific Computing
Notice 97-14
High Performance C++
SEL-HPC Article Archive
Ian Foster's home page
MPI - The Message Passing Interface Standard
MPI Test Suites
An Object-Oriented Message-Passing Interface for Java
National HPCC Software Exchange (NHSE)
HPFA Kernels by Serial Number
CPS 713 --- Monte Carlo Simulation for Statistical Physics
HPcc as High Performance Commity Computing
RS/6000 SP Software: Parallel Environment for AIX
SCP Laboratory
PC Now Paper
Getting Started with WinMPIch from MsState
SC97: Call for Participation
Parallel Programming with MPI
Implementing SPMD-HPF using SHPF and KeLP.
David Potter UCLA Geophysics Ph. D.
SC98: High Performance Networking and Computing Conference
SHPF: an HPF compilation system
MPI/RT: Real-Time MPI Standard and Forum
Vector/Signal/Image Processing Library (VSIPL) Forum