John Can you make the following changes to my workplan... [...] -- Modify prototype translator to exploit this data-base, unpeeling the layers of the run-time operations to generate efficient low-level code. (4MM). ^^^ -- Integration of these optimisations with those investigated in thread (2) ^^^^^^^^^^^ (2MM). ^^^ [...] ...and add something like this... Relationship of tasks 2 and 3 ----------------------------- The prototype implementation will employ a rather naive basic translation scheme, making calls to the highest layer of the run-time libary, which directly implements HPF-style distributed data. Task 2 is concerned with designing improved translation schemes. Recognising situations in the source code where better use can be made of more primitive operations, lower layers of the run-time library will be targetted directly. These might be block data moves, for example. We envisage that the level of operations targetted here should still be largely platform independent. Task 3 incorporates a class of less ambitious local optimisations, which are, however, likely to be important in practise. They can be applied to the code produced by the basic translation scheme of the prototype, or the more advanced translator produced by task 2. These relatively simple optimisations are captured in a separate database, freeing the basic translator to concentrate on more global strategies. Both classes of optimisation are likely to be essential in production HPF compilers.