High Performance Fortran tutorial and workshop ============================================== University of Southampton and Chilworth Manor, Southampton, UK. 10 - 11 October 1995 INTRODUCTION ------------ High Performance Fortran (HPF) is an informal standard for extensions to Fortran 90 to assist its implementation on parallel computers, especially for data parallel computations. It was developed in 1992 - 93 by a working group comprising representatives of most parallel computer manufacturers, several compiler vendors and a number of leading academic research groups in the field of parallel computation. The HPF extensions consist of: -- directives for specifying the distribution of data over the 'processor memories' of a multi-processor machine, and for identifying INDEPENDENT DO loops and the existence of sequence and storage associations; -- a FORALL statement and construct for expressing general data-parallel assignments, and PURE procedures which are side-effect free and allow functional parallelism; -- a few new intrinsic functions and a library of useful data-parallel operations; -- an 'EXTRINSIC' mechanism for interfacing HPF with other languages. An official subset of HPF (`Subset HPF') was also defined to allow the first generation of HPF compilers to be produced more rapidly. HPF's FORALL statement and construct, and PURE procedures, will be incorporated in the next revision of the full Fortran standard, due in 1996. Thus the basic idea of HPF is that, by the addition of simple directives to a Fortran program it can be executed in parallel on multi-processor machines, including distributed-memory message-passing architectures such as workstation networks and machines like the Cray T3D, Meiko CS2, etc. This method of programming is much simpler, quicker, more portable and easier to maintain than programming with explicit message-passing, which was previously required for such systems. Several commercial Subset HPF compilers are already available and more are imminent. In addition, the Southampton University High Performance Computing Centre has developed, as part of an ongoing research program in the field of HPF, a Subset HPF compilation system (`shpf') which will shortly be made freely available for educational and academic research use; it has already been released to a number of test sites. It has been designed to be widely portable. It translates HPF into standard Fortran 90 with calls to a purpose-built runtime library written in C++ with calls to MPI (the new message-passing standard), so it can be used on any platform that supports Fortran 90, MPI and C++, including workstation networks. Given the availability of HPF implementations, this therefore seems an appropriate time to hold an HPF tutorial and workshop to increase awareness and knowledge of HPF. TUTORIAL AND WORKSHOP OUTLINE ----------------------------- There will be a tutorial on HPF and relevant features of Fortran 90 (e.g. array syntax) on the afternoon of Tuesday 10 October at Southampton University. It will consist of lectures plus hands-on programming exercises using the `shpf' system on workstations. Some knowledge of Fortran 77 will be assumed, but no knowledge of Fortran 90 or HPF is required. Details of the timetable and locations will be available nearer the date. A one-day workshop on HPF will be held on Wednesday 11 October at Chilworth Manor (about 4 miles from the main university campus). The program for this is given below. These events are aimed particularly at those involved in Fortran program development in any scientific or engineering field. They are intended to be educational, and to provide some knowledge of the uses, limitations, availability, current research and future plans of HPF. Delegates can choose to attend either or both events. Both events will be *free* to staff and students from UK higher education establishments, including lunches and refreshments. A fee is payable by other delegates, as detailed in the reservation form at the end of this message. The tutorial and workshop are supported by a grant from the JISC New Technology Initiative. Return the enclosed registration form by email to dbc@ecs.soton.ac.uk or send a hard copy by mail or fax to post: Christine Collier, Room 2041, Zepler building, University of Southampton, Southampton, S017 1BJ. U.K. fax: (+44) 01703 592865 (FAO Christine Collier) Deadline for registration is Friday 29 September. Updates will be available on the Web: http://www.hpcc.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~dbc/hpf-workshop.html PROGRAM ------- HPF tutorial, Tuesday 10 October ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ University of Southampton 13.00 - 14.00: Lunch available 14.00 - 17.30: Tutorial (lecture + coffee break + hands-on programming excercises). HPF workshop, Wednesday 11 October ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chilworth Manor Conference Centre, Chilworth, Southampton, S09 1BX. 09.30 - 10.00: REGISTRATION 10.00 - 11.00: Welcome + keynote address Welcome address. Tony Hey (Head of Department, Electronics and Computer Science, U. Southampton), Vienna Fortran extensions for HPF2 Barbara Chapman (Director, European Centre for Parallel Computing at Vienna, Austria) 11.00 - 11.30: BREAK 11.30 - 13.00: HPF systems 'shpf': a Subset HPF compilation system. John Merlin & Bryan Carpenter (U. Southampton) Optimisations in the HPF compilation system ADAPTOR Thomas Brandes (GMD, Germany) The N.A Software HPF Toolset Mike Delves (N.A. Software, Liverpool) 13.00 - 14.00: LUNCH 14.00 - 15.30: HPF user experiences Parallel Integrated Forecasting System (IFS): Message-passing versus HPF Fritz Wollenweber (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting, Reading) Practical experiences in HPF David Greco (CRS4, Cagliari, Italy) Porting the GENESIS benchmarks to HPF. Vladimir Getov (U. Southampton, U. Westminster) and Bryan Carpenter (U. Southampton) 15.30 - 16.00: BREAK 16.00 - 17.30: JISC-sites HPF feedback and panel discussion Reports on installation and use of HPF Panel discussion REGISTRATION FORM: ------------------ You may edit this form electronically, or print it out and fill out by hand. Please return it by email, fax or post: email: dbc@ecs.soton.ac.uk post: Christine Collier, Room 2041, Zepler building, University of Southampton, Southampton, S017 1BJ. U.K. fax: (+44) 01703 592865 (FAO Christine Collier) *** Deadline for registration: Friday 29 September. *** -------------------------------------------------------- Registration for HPF tutorial and workshop Southampton University and Chilworth Manor, Southampton. 10 -- 11 October 1995 Name: ____________________________________________________ Institution: ____________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________ FAX: ________________________ Position and brief job / research description: Please enter an 'X' for those events you will attend: HPF tutorial (10 October): --- HPF workshop (11 October): --- The tutorial and workshop are free to students and staff of UK higher education establishments. Otherwise the following fees apply: HPF tutorial (incl. refreshments & lunch): 60 pounds HPF workshop (incl. refreshments & lunch): 100 pounds Payment method (please enter 'X' against chosen alternative): --- Cheque payable to University of Southampton, in sterling. Please send to to: Christine Collier, Room 2041, Zepler building, University of Southampton, Southampton, S017 1BJ. --- Bank transfer to: Midland Bank PLC, Southampton branch, 165 High Street, Southampton, S09 7Al. sort code: 40-42-18. a/c number: 81606263. Please refer to 'HPF' after your name on the transfer form. ___ VISA ___ Mastercard Cardholder's name: _______________________________________ Credit card number: _______________________________________ Expiry date: _______________________________________ Cardholder's address: _______________________________________ (address to which card bill is sent) _______________________________________ _______________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------- ACCOMMODATION ------------- If you require accommodation please make your own reservation. We have arranged discounted rates at the following 3 hotels. Refer to the `HPF workshop' when booking to get these rates. Early booking is recommended, as this is ``conference season''. Note that Chilworth Manor is some distance from the University, and public transport connections are poor. -- Chilworth Manor. Venue for the HPF workshop (but not the tutorial). 4 star, in a rural location with a good pub nearby. About 3 miles from the University and 5 miles from the city centre. price 65 pounds bed and breakfast (incl. VAT) tel: (+44) 01703 767333 fax: (+44) 01703 701743 addr: Chilworth Manor, Chilworth, Southampton, S09 1XB. -- County Hotel (formerly Southampton Moat House). About 10 minutes walk from the University campus, 3 miles from Chilworth and 2 miles from the city centre. Close to a High Street with shops, pubs, etc. price: 44.50 (b & b, incl VAT). tel: (+44) 01703 359955 fax: (+44) 01703 583910 addr: County Hotel, Highfield Lane, Portswood, Southampton, S017 1AQ. -- The Lodge About 1 mile from the university, 4 miles from Chilworth and 1 mile from the city centre. Close to the common and a large pub, and a few minutes walk from Portswood High Street. Mention `University meeting' when booking. prices: Single room, basic 19.50 (b & b, incl VAT) Single room, on-suite 27.50 ( " ) Double room, on suite 39.50 ( " ) tel: (+44) 01703 557537. addr: The Lodge, 1 Winn Road, Portswood, Southampton, S017 1EH.