Slides are mixed…………………………………………………………….. Motivating is still is not good…………………………………………………… You did not say bout the key points about the filters………………………………. You say it is static problem………………………………. It is dynamic. Filters are dynamic…………………………… We create define filter interfaces which enable filter federation…………………………………….. The essential point is treating filters as same was as data “ if they are data “…………………………………………….. We think of the filters just like db. Because it looks like a db. That allows you treat dynamic real time problems in the same way to static problems…………………. Because dynamic problem which is created by filter and filter looks like data and then the same problem…………………………….. In the DIKW world, everything is mixed as data and filters………………………………………………. In a given domain every filter speaks in ASL………………………………………………….. It sounds trivial but it is not obvious, because domain is not defined in ASL. GIS has but not many others have……………………………………. At every level of the system, there are mixed data and filters, You sounded that GML, CML are same think and will be handled in same way. That is NOT USSUE. ISSUE is you need to tell people how to find CML………………………………………………. What does this ASL need to have to federate the filters?..................................... The comes capabilities;………………………………………………………………………………….. What does capabilities do and need to have to federate filters?.......................... We are trying to have a common framework which can be applied to any domain……… Your problem is not the technical detail, you are not writing the high level organization! …………………… Federating data at the application level…………………………….. Compare srb and ogsa-dai………………………………………………… You need top down presentation………………………………………………….. Your presentation is the bottom up………………………………………………………… You need very clear statement of the problem……………………………………… You need clear statement of the generic problem…………………………………….. Give application examples………………………………………………… What you propose to do:………………………………………. Interesting thing coming out of this proposal is some instructions…………………………………….. for any field what they have to do……………………………………… What makes the CML or GML acceptable for the architecture?................................ What do we need to see at CML that make it acceptable?........................................ How to create capabilities for the CML or GML? What does it mean?............................ What does VOQL do for astronomy ?<><><><><><><><><><> Would you compare VOQL and WFS? <><><><><><><><><><> How do they look one better than the another? <><><><><><><><><><> The main most important think that come out of the architecture problem is :……………………………….. I would say two important result of your thesis:…………………………………………………… Some instructions how to build ASL …………………………………………………… And given ASL how you build federated information system federating multiple filters speaking ASL …………………………………………………… GIS is confusing too many concepts. You should summarize and simplify and try to create general structure for the metadata in capability document and ASL Instructions as general……………………………………. You need concept and metadata…………………………… You need a concept of data. Which is a coverage data, feature data, BUT you can not solve these issues but these are issues……………… You need to clearly think about what the issue is................................ One of the problem with SRB is SRB is not address these problems clearly at all. Very confusing. Nobody in community is confortable with the SRB……………………… What they do about the metadata catalog and metadata collection and management issues?........................ Clarify the role of metadata in the federation. You can not solve the problem. Don’t mention about the solution. You emphasize the problem research issues…………….. In what extend it can be expressed in the domain secific area?<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Overall statement of the problem…………………………………………………… Wcs wfs srb data collections and metadata, ??? <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> We need to define the problem with the bottom up fashion……………………………………………… For the GIS you need to resent by bottom up but you need to think bottom up for the CS thesis,……………………………………….. Motivation……………………………… Problem……………………………………… Example…………………………………………. Overall structure solution……………………………….. Issues to be discussed……………………………….. Top down approach not only requires you think from generic to specific, this also requires you to identify the key components which you………………………………. Need to discuss separately, ………………………………………. That does not cause extra work you your work BUT JUST THINK DIFFERENTLY……………………………….. We are trying to solve unsolved problem…………………………………………. If domain changes then different:…………………………………………… - choices - db requirements - data format - core service requirements - attributes