Interactive Article Metadata Developer Manual for the Wiley Journal (C&C:P&E)

There are two tools to convert from original sgm files to Article Metadata:
The xml converter tool generates the ccpe xml object and rss document based on the defined schema. Both xml object are stored in the database.The conventer tool is responsible for this action.
The html generator tool generates the html objects for the speficied topic. There are three types of html file version are generated:

1.Light version: Simplier metadata having the author, link, and title.
2.Abstract version:Light version added with metadata abstract.
3.Full version: Having all ccpe metadata.

The converter tool:

Before using this tool file should be edited to have correct parameters. Then, the should be run in the willeyconverter.util package.

javadoc for the xml converter tool click here

javadoc for the html converter tool click here

download both source codes from here

The html generator tool:

There are three types of html pages are generated: Light, Full, and Abstract html pages.In order to generate those pages, file should be run having the correct parameter defined in the properties file.After generating those files, they should be appended to the previous html pages.

Other Information:

mysql database is running on complexity:
Following data is defined in the file.
jdbc.driver =
#database name: wileydocument2
jdbc.url = jdbc:mysql://
#database username
#database password

tomcat server for interactive metadatabrowser running on the following address:

 If a new topic needs to be added to the metadatabrowser, the link for administration:

for more help for using interactive metadata browser tool click here