Frequently Asked Questions - Editor

The FutureGrid portal supports file upload/attachment to a node/page. However the functionality is restricted to certain roles - mostly admin roles and editorial roles. Besides that, there is also restrictions on types and size limit of the uploaded files. Depending on the roles, these files may be supported: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, txt, doc, docx, xls, pdf, ppt, pptx, pps, odt, ods, odp.

The size limits various from several MiB to 1 GiB depends on roles. For example, a 'tutorial editor' is allowed to upload a file up to 8 MiB, while a 'editor' is allowed to upload one up to 64 MiB. However, if a user is in multiple roles, the least restricted rule may apply. You can upload/attach multiple files to a page as long as the size for each attachment does not exceed the limit.

If you are in roles that allow you to upload a file, and the file you're going to attach is one of the permitted types, please follow these steps to upload a file:
  1. Edit the page where you would like the attachment to appear. If you don't have permission to such a page, you can create a new page and edit the new one.
  2. Scroll down to the edit page, and find the 'File attachments' section.
  3. Expand the section if it is in collapsed status, to find the file browse box.

  1. Click the 'Browse...' button and find the file you want to upload.
  2. Click the 'Attach' button and wait for the file being uploaded. Upon completion of the upload, save the change by clicking the 'Submit' button near the bottom of the edit page.
  3. The file is uploaded to the FutureGrid portal site and is attached to the page you were editing. On the node view page, you'll find something like this near the end of the page.

  1. To upload more files, repeat these steps again and the more files would be shown up in the 'Attachment' section after uploaded.
The file uploaded typically has a URL like this: which could be referred to at any place within or outside of the portal.

You should disable the spell check in the editor. For this, you need to click in the colored ABC icon and select "disable SCAYT"