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Usage Report sierra

  • Period: September 01 – September 30, 2013
  • Hostname: sierra.futuregrid.org
  • Services: nimbus, openstack, eucalyptus
  • Metrics: VMs count, Users count, Wall time (hours), Distribution by wall time, project, project leader, and institution, and systems


Summary (Monthly)

Average Monthly Usage Data (Wall time, Launched VMs, Users)
Figure 1: Average monthly usage data (wall time (hour), launched VMs, users)
This mixed chart represents average monthly usage as to wall time (hour), the number of VM instances and active users.
  • Period: September 01 – September 30, 2013

  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack, eucalyptus

  • Hostname: sierra

  • Metric:
    • Runtime (Wall time hours): Sum of time elapsed from launch to termination of VM instances
    • Count (VM count): The number of launched VM instances
    • User count (Active): The number of users who launched VMs

Summary (Daily)

Users count (daily)
Figure 2: Users count
This time series chart represents daily active user count for cloud services and shows historical changes during the period.
  • Period: September 01 – September 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack, eucalyptus
  • Hostname: sierra
VMs count (daily)
Figure 3: VMs count
This time series chart represents the number of daily launched VM instances for cloud services and shows historical changes during the period.
  • Period: September 01 – September 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack, eucalyptus
  • Hostname: sierra
Wall time (hours, daily)
Figure 4: Wall time (hours)
This time series chart represents daily wall time (hours) for cloud services and shows historical changes during the period.
  • Period: September 01 – September 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack, eucalyptus
  • Hostname: sierra


VM count by wall time
Figure 5: VM count by wall time
This chart illustrates usage patterns of VM instances in terms of running wall time.
  • Period: September 01 – September 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack, eucalyptus
  • Hostname: sierra
VMs count by project
Figure 6: VMs count by project
This chart illustrates the proportion of launched VM instances by project groups. The same data in tabular form follows.
  • Period: September 01 – September 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack, eucalyptus
  • Hostname: sierra
VMs count by project
Project Value
fg-172:Cloud-TM 320
fg-54:Investigating cloud computing as a solution for analyzing particle physics data 274
fg-40:Inca 220
fg-224:Nimbus Auto Scale 212
fg-214:Mining Interactions between Network Community Structure and Information Diffusion 172
fg-298:FRIEDA: Flexible Robust Intelligent Elastic Data Management 167
fg-362:Course: Cloud Computing and Storage (UF) 36
fg-372:Mobile Device Computation Offloading over SocialVPNs 31
fg-168:Next Generation Sequencing in the Cloud 27
fg-1:Peer-to-peer overlay networks and applications in virtual networks and virtual clusters 27
fg-82:FG General Software Development 25
fg-364:Course: EEL6871 Autonomic Computing 24
fg-52:Cost-Aware Cloud Computing 18
fg-315:Biome representational in silico karyotyping 17
fg-367:Optimize rapid deployment and updating of VM images at the remote compute cluster 12
fg-264:Course: 1st Workshop on bioKepler Tools and Its Applications 6
fg-97:FutureGrid and Grid‘5000 Collaboration 5
fg-374:Course: Cloud and Distributed Computing 4
fg-244:Course: Data Center Scale Computing 1
fg-69:Investigate provenance collection for MapReduce 1
fg-355:Course: Data Center Scale Computing Class 1
VMs count by project leader
Figure 7: VMs count by project leader
This chart also illustrates the proportion of launched VM instances by project Leader. The same data in tabular form follows.
  • Period: September 01 – September 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack, eucalyptus
  • Hostname: sierra
VMs count by project leader
Projectleader Value
Paolo Romano 320
Randall Sobie 274
Shava Smallen 220
Pierre Riteau 212
Yong-Yeol Ahn 172
Lavanya Ramakrishnan 167
Renato Figueiredo 58
Andy Li 36
Jonathan Klinginsmith 27
Gregor von Laszewski 25
Meng Han 24
David Lowenthal 18
Aaron Lee 17
Jan Balewski 12
Ilkay Altintas 6
Mauricio Tsugawa 5
Philip Rhodes 4
Dirk Grunwald 2
Jiaan Zeng 1
VMs count by institution
Figure 8: VMs count by institution
This chart illustrates the proportion of launched VM instances by Institution. The same data in tabular form follows.
  • Period: September 01 – September 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack, eucalyptus
  • Hostname: sierra
VMs count by institution
Institution Value
University of Victoria 274
Indiana University 224
UC San Diego 220
University of Chicago 212
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab 167
University of Florida, Department of Electrical and Computer Eng 36
University of Florida 32
University of Florida, Electrical and Computer Engineering 31
University of Florida, ACIS 24
University of Arizona 18
Washington University at St Louis, School of Medicine, Departmen 17
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Nuclear Sc 12
University of Mississippi, Department of Computer Science 4
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, Computer Science 1
Computer Science 1
Univ. of Colorado 1
Wall time (hours) by project leader
Figure 9: Wall time (hours) by project leader
This chart illustrates proportionate total run times by project leader.
  • Period: September 01 – September 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack, eucalyptus
  • Hostname: sierra

System information

System information shows utilization distribution as to VMs count and wall time. Each cluster represents a compute node.

VMs count by systems in Cluster (sierra)
Figure 10: VMs count by systems (compute nodes) in Cluster (sierra)
This column chart represents VMs count among systems.
  • Period: September 01 – September 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack, eucalyptus
  • Hostname: sierra
Wall time (hours) by systems in Cluster (sierra)
Figure 11: Wall time (hours) by systems (compute nodes) in Cluster (sierra)
This column chart represents wall time among systems.
  • Period: September 01 – September 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack, eucalyptus
  • Hostname: sierra