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Usage Report alamo

  • Period: November 01 – November 30, 2013
  • Hostname: alamo.futuregrid.org
  • Services: nimbus, openstack
  • Metrics: VMs count, Users count, Wall time (hours), Distribution by wall time, project, project leader, and institution, and systems


Summary (Monthly)

Average Monthly Usage Data (Wall time, Launched VMs, Users)
Figure 1: Average monthly usage data (wall time (hour), launched VMs, users)
This mixed chart represents average monthly usage as to wall time (hour), the number of VM instances and active users.
  • Period: November 01 – November 30, 2013

  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack

  • Hostname: alamo

  • Metric:
    • Runtime (Wall time hours): Sum of time elapsed from launch to termination of VM instances
    • Count (VM count): The number of launched VM instances
    • User count (Active): The number of users who launched VMs

Summary (Daily)

Users count (daily)
Figure 2: Users count
This time series chart represents daily active user count for cloud services and shows historical changes during the period.
  • Period: November 01 – November 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack
  • Hostname: alamo
VMs count (daily)
Figure 3: VMs count
This time series chart represents the number of daily launched VM instances for cloud services and shows historical changes during the period.
  • Period: November 01 – November 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack
  • Hostname: alamo
Wall time (hours, daily)
Figure 4: Wall time (hours)
This time series chart represents daily wall time (hours) for cloud services and shows historical changes during the period.
  • Period: November 01 – November 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack
  • Hostname: alamo


VM count by wall time
Figure 5: VM count by wall time
This chart illustrates usage patterns of VM instances in terms of running wall time.
  • Period: November 01 – November 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack
  • Hostname: alamo
VMs count by project
Figure 6: VMs count by project
This chart illustrates the proportion of launched VM instances by project groups. The same data in tabular form follows.
  • Period: November 01 – November 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack
  • Hostname: alamo
VMs count by project
Project Value
fg-174:RAIN: FutureGrid Dynamic provisioning Framework 1101
fg-40:Inca 232
fg-224:Nimbus Auto Scale 225
fg-257:Particle Physics Data analysis cluster for ATLAS LHC experiment 36
fg-13:FutureGrid Systems Development and Prototyping 27
fg-54:Investigating cloud computing as a solution for analyzing particle physics data 24
fg-310:OpenStack Familiarization for TACC 21
fg-152:Karnak Prediction Service 14
fg-341:Course: Parallel Computing 10
fg-151:XSEDE Operations Group 6
fg-110:FutureGrid Systems Development 4
fg-172:Cloud-TM 1
fg-82:FG General Software Development 1
fg-97:FutureGrid and Grid‘5000 Collaboration 1
VMs count by project leader
Figure 7: VMs count by project leader
This chart also illustrates the proportion of launched VM instances by project Leader. The same data in tabular form follows.
  • Period: November 01 – November 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack
  • Hostname: alamo
VMs count by project leader
Projectleader Value
Gregor von Laszewski 1102
Shava Smallen 232
Pierre Riteau 225
Doug Benjamin 36
Warren Smith 35
Sharif Islam 27
Randall Sobie 24
Wilson Rivera 10
David Gignac 6
Gary Miksik 4
Mauricio Tsugawa 1
Paolo Romano 1
VMs count by institution
Figure 8: VMs count by institution
This chart illustrates the proportion of launched VM instances by Institution. The same data in tabular form follows.
  • Period: November 01 – November 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack
  • Hostname: alamo
VMs count by institution
Institution Value
Indiana University 1133
UC San Diego 232
University of Chicago 225
Duke University 36
University of Victoria 24
University of Texas at Austin, Texas Advanced Computing Center 21
University of Texas at Austin 14
University of Puerto Rico, Electrical and Computer Emgineering D 10
University of Texas 6
University of Florida 1
Wall time (hours) by project leader
Figure 9: Wall time (hours) by project leader
This chart illustrates proportionate total run times by project leader.
  • Period: November 01 – November 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack
  • Hostname: alamo

System information

System information shows utilization distribution as to VMs count and wall time. Each cluster represents a compute node.

VMs count by systems in Cluster (alamo)
Figure 10: VMs count by systems (compute nodes) in Cluster (alamo)
This column chart represents VMs count among systems.
  • Period: November 01 – November 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack
  • Hostname: alamo
Wall time (hours) by systems in Cluster (alamo)
Figure 11: Wall time (hours) by systems (compute nodes) in Cluster (alamo)
This column chart represents wall time among systems.
  • Period: November 01 – November 30, 2013
  • Cloud(IaaS): nimbus, openstack
  • Hostname: alamo