Berkeley DB
version 5.0.21

Package com.sleepycat.collections

Data access based on the standard Java collections API.


Interface Summary
PrimaryKeyAssigner An interface implemented to assign new primary key values.
TransactionWorker The interface implemented to perform the work within a transaction.

Class Summary
CurrentTransaction Provides access to the current transaction for the current thread within the context of a Berkeley DB environment.
MapEntryParameter<K,V> A simple Map.Entry implementation that can be used as in input parameter.
StoredCollection<E> A abstract base class for all stored collections.
StoredCollections Static methods operating on collections and maps.
StoredContainer A abstract base class for all stored collections and maps.
StoredEntrySet<K,V> The Set returned by Map.entrySet().
StoredIterator<E> The Iterator returned by all stored collections.
StoredKeySet<K> The Set returned by Map.keySet() and which can also be constructed directly if a Map is not needed.
StoredList<E> A List view of a Database.
StoredMap<K,V> A Map view of a Database.
StoredSortedEntrySet<K,V> The SortedSet returned by Map.entrySet().
StoredSortedKeySet<K> The SortedSet returned by Map.keySet() and which can also be constructed directly if a Map is not needed.
StoredSortedMap<K,V> A SortedMap view of a Database.
StoredSortedValueSet<E> The SortedSet returned by Map.values() and which can also be constructed directly if a Map is not needed.
StoredValueSet<E> The Set returned by Map.values() and Map.duplicates(), and which can also be constructed directly if a Map is not needed.
TransactionRunner Starts a transaction, calls TransactionWorker.doWork(), and handles transaction retry and exceptions.
TupleSerialFactory Creates stored collections having tuple keys and serialized entity values.

Package com.sleepycat.collections Description

Data access based on the standard Java collections API.

Berkeley DB
version 5.0.21

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