Berkeley DB
version 5.0.21

Uses of Class

Packages that use LogSequenceNumber
com.sleepycat.db Berkeley DB Java API
[reference guide] [Java programming notes]

Uses of LogSequenceNumber in com.sleepycat.db

Methods in com.sleepycat.db that return LogSequenceNumber
 LogSequenceNumber ReplicationStats.getElectionLsn()
          The maximum LSN of the winner of the current or last election.
 LogSequenceNumber LogVerifyConfig.getEndLsn()
          Return the ending lsn to verify.
 LogSequenceNumber TransactionStats.getLastCkp()
          The LSN of the last checkpoint.
 LogSequenceNumber TransactionStats.Active.getLsn()
          The log sequence number of the transaction's first log record.
 LogSequenceNumber ReplicationStatus.getLSN()
          Whenever processing a messages results in the processing of messages that are permanent, or a message carrying a DB_REP_PERMANENT flag was processed successfully, but was not written to disk, the LSN of the record is available from the getLSN method.
 LogSequenceNumber ReplicationStats.getMaxPermLsn()
          The LSN of the maximum permanent log record, or 0 if there are no permanent log records.
 LogSequenceNumber ReplicationStats.getNextLsn()
          In replication environments configured as masters, the next LSN to be used.
 LogSequenceNumber TransactionStats.Active.getReadLsn()
          The log sequence number of reads for snapshot transactions.
 LogSequenceNumber LogVerifyConfig.getStartLsn()
          Return the starting lsn to verify.
 LogSequenceNumber ReplicationStats.getWaitingLsn()
          The LSN of the first log record we have after missing log records being waited for, or 0 if no log records are currently missing.
 LogSequenceNumber Environment.logPut(DatabaseEntry data, boolean flush)
          Append a record to the log.

Methods in com.sleepycat.db with parameters of type LogSequenceNumber
static int lsn1, LogSequenceNumber lsn2)
          Compare two LogSequenceNumber objects.
 OperationStatus LogCursor.getCurrent(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return the LogSequenceNumber and log record to which the log cursor currently refers.
 OperationStatus LogCursor.getFirst(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return the first LogSequenceNumber and log record.
 OperationStatus LogCursor.getLast(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return the last LogSequenceNumber and log record.
 String Environment.getLogFileName(LogSequenceNumber lsn)
          Return the name of the log file that contains the log record specified by a LogSequenceNumber object.
 OperationStatus LogCursor.getNext(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return the next LogSequenceNumber and log record.
 OperationStatus LogCursor.getPrev(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return the previous LogSequenceNumber and log record.
 int LogRecordHandler.handleLogRecord(Environment environment, DatabaseEntry logRecord, LogSequenceNumber lsn, RecoveryOperation operation)
          A function to process application-specific log records.
 void Environment.logFlush(LogSequenceNumber lsn)
          Flush log records to stable storage.
 int ReplicationTransport.send(Environment environment, DatabaseEntry control, DatabaseEntry rec, LogSequenceNumber lsn, int envid, boolean noBuffer, boolean permanent, boolean anywhere, boolean isRetry)
          The callback used when Berkeley DB needs to transmit a replication message.
 OperationStatus LogCursor.set(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return a specific log record.
 void LogVerifyConfig.setEndLsn(LogSequenceNumber endlsn)
          Set the ending lsn to verify.
 void LogVerifyConfig.setStartLsn(LogSequenceNumber stLsn)
          Set the starting lsn to verify.
 void Environment.syncCache(LogSequenceNumber logSequenceNumber)
          Ensure that all modified pages in the cache are flushed to their backing files.

Berkeley DB
version 5.0.21

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