Berkeley DB
version 5.0.21

Uses of Class

Packages that use SecondaryDatabase
com.sleepycat.bind.serial Bindings that use Java serialization. 
com.sleepycat.bind.tuple Bindings that use sequences of primitive fields, or tuples. 
com.sleepycat.db Berkeley DB Java API
[reference guide] [Java programming notes]
com.sleepycat.persist The Direct Persistence Layer (DPL) adds a persistent object model to the Berkeley DB transactional engine. 

Uses of SecondaryDatabase in com.sleepycat.bind.serial

Methods in com.sleepycat.bind.serial with parameters of type SecondaryDatabase
 boolean TupleSerialKeyCreator.createSecondaryKey(SecondaryDatabase db, DatabaseEntry primaryKeyEntry, DatabaseEntry dataEntry, DatabaseEntry indexKeyEntry)
 boolean SerialSerialKeyCreator.createSecondaryKey(SecondaryDatabase db, DatabaseEntry primaryKeyEntry, DatabaseEntry dataEntry, DatabaseEntry indexKeyEntry)
 boolean TupleSerialKeyCreator.nullifyForeignKey(SecondaryDatabase db, DatabaseEntry dataEntry)
 boolean SerialSerialKeyCreator.nullifyForeignKey(SecondaryDatabase db, DatabaseEntry dataEntry)

Uses of SecondaryDatabase in com.sleepycat.bind.tuple

Methods in com.sleepycat.bind.tuple with parameters of type SecondaryDatabase
 boolean TupleTupleKeyCreator.createSecondaryKey(SecondaryDatabase db, DatabaseEntry primaryKeyEntry, DatabaseEntry dataEntry, DatabaseEntry indexKeyEntry)
 boolean TupleTupleKeyCreator.nullifyForeignKey(SecondaryDatabase db, DatabaseEntry dataEntry)

Uses of SecondaryDatabase in com.sleepycat.db

Methods in com.sleepycat.db that return SecondaryDatabase
 SecondaryDatabase SecondaryCursor.getSecondaryDatabase()
          Return the SecondaryDatabase handle associated with this Cursor.
 SecondaryDatabase Environment.openSecondaryDatabase(Transaction txn, String fileName, String databaseName, Database primaryDatabase, SecondaryConfig config)
          Open a database.

Methods in com.sleepycat.db with parameters of type SecondaryDatabase
 boolean SecondaryKeyCreator.createSecondaryKey(SecondaryDatabase secondary, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, DatabaseEntry result)
          Creates a secondary key entry, given a primary key and data entry.
 void SecondaryMultiKeyCreator.createSecondaryKeys(SecondaryDatabase secondary, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, Set results)
          Creates a secondary key entry, given a primary key and data entry.
 boolean ForeignKeyNullifier.nullifyForeignKey(SecondaryDatabase secondary, DatabaseEntry data)
          Sets the foreign key reference to null in the datum of the primary database.
 boolean ForeignMultiKeyNullifier.nullifyForeignKey(SecondaryDatabase secondary, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, DatabaseEntry secKey)
          Sets the foreign key reference to null in the datum of the primary database.

Uses of SecondaryDatabase in com.sleepycat.persist

Methods in com.sleepycat.persist that return SecondaryDatabase
 SecondaryDatabase SecondaryIndex.getDatabase()
          Returns the underlying secondary database for this index.

Constructors in com.sleepycat.persist with parameters of type SecondaryDatabase
SecondaryIndex(SecondaryDatabase database, Database keysDatabase, PrimaryIndex<PK,E> primaryIndex, Class<SK> secondaryKeyClass, EntryBinding<SK> secondaryKeyBinding)
          Creates a secondary index without using an EntityStore.

Berkeley DB
version 5.0.21

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