Berkeley DB
version 5.0.21

Class EvolveConfig

  extended by com.sleepycat.persist.evolve.EvolveConfig
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EvolveConfig
extends Object
implements Cloneable

Configuration properties for eager conversion of unevolved objects. This configuration is used with EntityStore.evolve.

See Also:
Class Evolution

Constructor Summary
          Creates an evolve configuration with default properties.
Method Summary
 void addClassToEvolve(String entityClass)
          Adds an entity class for a primary index to be converted.
 EvolveConfig clone()
          Returns a shallow copy of the configuration.
 EvolveConfig cloneConfig()
          Deprecated. As of JE 4.0.13, replaced by clone().

 Set<String> getClassesToEvolve()
          Returns an unmodifiable set of the entity classes to be evolved.
 EvolveListener getEvolveListener()
          Returns the progress listener that is notified each time an entity is read.
 void setEvolveListener(EvolveListener listener)
          Sets a progress listener that is notified each time an entity is read.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EvolveConfig()
Creates an evolve configuration with default properties.

Method Detail


public EvolveConfig cloneConfig()
Deprecated. As of JE 4.0.13, replaced by clone().

Returns a shallow copy of the configuration.


public EvolveConfig clone()
Returns a shallow copy of the configuration.

clone in class Object


public void addClassToEvolve(String entityClass)
Adds an entity class for a primary index to be converted. If no classes are added, all indexes that require evolution will be converted.


public Set<String> getClassesToEvolve()
Returns an unmodifiable set of the entity classes to be evolved.


public void setEvolveListener(EvolveListener listener)
Sets a progress listener that is notified each time an entity is read.


public EvolveListener getEvolveListener()
Returns the progress listener that is notified each time an entity is read.

Berkeley DB
version 5.0.21

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