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 Grid Computing Environments Community Practice (CP) Document Template


  1. Prepare document using Times Roman, 10 point font.
  2. Submit document in MS Word or PDF format.
  3. Complete each of the indicated sections (so that all docs are uniform).
  4. Each section has a sub-section entitled "Other" where you can insert information that our CP template did not cover.

Document Template

0. Header

  1. Project Title
  2. CP Document Contact (include email)
  3. Project Participants (include emails)
  4. Project URL(s)

1. Overview - including:

  1. Description & Goals
  2. Services provided
  3. Systems/Sites/User Served
  4. Status
  5. Other

2. Architecture

  1. Define Grid software/services that the GCE currently depends upon and relationship to GF Working Group.
  2. Define Grid software/services that the GCE plans to make use of
  3. Define Grid software/services that are needed by the GCE but are not supported by the Grid
  4. Define software/services used/needed by the GCE that are outside the scope the Grid
  5. Other
A diagram is highly recommended

3. Implementation

  1. Commodity technologies/software used (e.g., EJB, JMS, JINI, Perl, XML, databases...)
  2. Proprietary technologies/software developed that can be shared with others
  3. Other

4. Supported Grid Services

  1. Security
  2. Information services
  3. Scheduling
  4. Data transfer
  5. Additional Grid services
  6. Other

5. Project Status and Future Plans

6. References

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