Apache Axis Installation Guide

As a prerequisite for Apache Axis, Apache Tomcat 4.1 must be installed on your system. If it is not already installed then please install Apache Tomcat 4.1 by using the Apache Tomcat 4.1 installation guide.

Guidelines to install Apache Axis

To check if Apache Axis is properly installed

  1. Start Apache Tomcat 4.1.
  2. Open the web browser and go to the URL: http://localhost:8080/axis. You should now see the Apache Axis start page. If you do not, then the webapp is not actually installed, or Apache Tomcat 4.1 is not running.
  3. Follow the link Validate. This will bring you to http://localhost:8080/axis/happyaxis.jsp that verifies that needed and optional libraries are present. If any of the needed libraries are missing, Apache Axis will not work. Optional components can be installed whenever required. (NOTE: In general, there is 1 optional library missing.)

Documentation is also available on the Apache Axis site.

Windows Users

  1. Download and save xml-axis-10.zip from the Apache Axis website. For this you will have to select Releases -> 1.0 under Downloads.
  2. Unzip this file to obtain a directory conventionally named xml-axis-10.
  3. Copy the webapps/axis directory from xml-axis-10 into the webapps directory of Apache Tomcat 4.1.

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Unix/Linux/Solaris Users

  1. Download and save xml-axis-10.tar.gz from the Apache Axis website. For this you will have to select Releases -> 1.0 under Downloads.
  2. Untar and unzip this file. This can be done using the following command: gtar -xvzf xml-axis-10.tar.gz.
  3. Copy the webapps/axis directory from xml-axis-10 into the webapps directory of Apache Tomcat 4.1.

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Last updated on June 09, 2003