



Success Stories






Projects Utilizing NaradaBrokering


Listed below are some of the projects that utilize capabilities available within the NaradaBrokering substrate. NaradaBrokering has been deployed in domains such as Earthquake Science, Particle Physics, Environmental Modeling, Geo-science Visualizations, Virtual Environments, and Conferencing Systems.

Nota bene: If you use NaradaBrokering, and would like your project to be listed here please send us a representative screen-shot, a brief write up and a URL if possible.


Earthquake Science

The NASA-funded QuakeSim project ( uses NaradaBrokering to manage workflows that connect distributed services, and also to support GPS filters delivering real-time GPS data to both human and application consumers.




Particle Physics

The Clarens ( effort by the High Energy Physics group at Caltech has developed a framework for wrapping ROOT (a powerful software from CERN) capabilities as distributed services. As part of this project, we are developing a loosely-coupled framework using NaradaBrokering to discover, and load-balance access, to services that are available to physicists for analyzing, and collaborating over, data produced in particle physics experiments.




Environmental Monitoring

This project at Clemson University is funded under the Program of Integrated Study for Coastal Environmental Sustainability (PISCES), which is designed to address environmental sustainability issues that can accompany coastal development. The current study incorporates groundwater monitoring, surface water quality and quantity monitoring, weather and a
variety of ecological measurements. The project utilizes NaradaBrokering to provide a flexible and reliable layer to move observation data from a wide variety of sensor sources to users that have diverse data management and processing requirements.




Internet Conferencing

The commercial Internet Meeting software, Anabas(http://www.,  incorporates support for shared displays for sharing applications besides incorporating support for shared whiteboards, and chat tools. Anabas uses NaradaBrokering for its content dissemination and messaging requirements. On a daily basis Anabas supports several online meetings in the US, Hong Kong and mainland China.




Geoscience Visualizations

The NSF-funded Web-IS effort at the by the Supercomputing Institute at the University of Minnesota and Florida State University has deployed NaradaBrokering in the context of Geo-science visualizations.



Second Life and Virtual Environments

The NSF sponsored RE@L project is creating virtual environments that recreate land under environmental monitoring. Virtual objects are being designed to act as that equivalent of sensors deployed in the field. These virtual sensors are connected to real-time data via NaradaBrokering. This provides scientists with a virtual collaborative space that they can use to monitor the field virtually but with real data: this is real-life synchronicity.



Audio-Video conferencing

 The GlobalMMCS project (, which is an A/V conferencing system that federates multiple multimedia codecs and incorporates support for mixing multiple video streams into a single mixed stream. GlobalMMCS uses NaradaBrokering for all its stream dissemination requirements.