Swing 1.1.1

Swing 1.1.1 API Specification

javax.accessibility Defines a contract between user-interface components and an assistive technology that provides access to those components.
javax.swing Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms.
javax.swing.border Provides classes and interface for drawing specialized borders around a Swing component.
javax.swing.colorchooser Contains classes and interfaces used by the JColorChooser component.
javax.swing.event Provides for events fired by Swing components.
javax.swing.filechooser Contains classes and interfaces used by the JFileChooser component.
javax.swing.plaf Provides one interface and many abstract classes that Swing uses to provide its pluggable look-and-feel capabilities.
javax.swing.plaf.basic Provides user interface objects built according to the Basic look-and-feel.
javax.swing.plaf.metal Provides user interface objects built according to the ``metal'' look-and-feel.
javax.swing.plaf.multi The multiplexing look and feel allows users to combine auxiliary look and feels with the default look and feel.
javax.swing.table Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with java.awt.swing.JTable.
javax.swing.text Provides classes and interfaces that deal with editable and noneditable text components.
javax.swing.text.html Provides the class HTMLEditorKit and supporting classes for creating HTML text editors.
javax.swing.text.rtf Provides a class (RTFEditorKit) for creating Rich-Text-Format text editors.
javax.swing.tree Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with java.awt.swing.JTree.
javax.swing.undo Provides support for undo/redo capabilities in an application such as a text editor.


Swing 1.1.1

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