Computational Electromagnetics

Development and Implementation of Computational Electromagnetics Techniques on Massively Parallel Computing Architectures

NPAC, Syracuse University
Syracuse Research Corporation

Gang Cheng | | 315-443-2083
Chung-chi Cha | 315-426-3221

Migrate parallel computing technology to current CEM techniques
Develop and demonstrate a major increase in CEM capability, particularly, the RCS(Radar Cross Section) prediction of a full-scale aircraft in the 1 GHz range

The primary objective of this project is to demonstrate the potential of the method of moments(MOM) technology, when impelmented using parallel computing, for RCS modeling of full scale airborne vehicles. We are developing explicit message-passing parallel algorithms of a 3D MOM code, PARAMOM, which was developed previously at Syracuse Research Corporation(SRC) for accurate and efficient predictions of RCS. Our approach is to develop the PARAMOM code on multiple MIMD platforms, including CM5, Intel machines and IBM SP-1, to provide a concrete demonstration of the portability and scalability of the parallel implementation and to provide performance comparisons between these machines.

The most distinctive feature of PARAMOM(which stands for "Parametric Patch Method of Moment") code is its use of basis functions that conforms to parametric surfaces with curvature. The ability of PARAMOM to accurately account for surface curvature with the use of parametric surface patches has in many cases shown significant advantage over conventional techniques that employ flat facets as modeling elements.

The features of the initial parallel algorithm design will be scalable data decomposition, use of stable and efficient parallel linear solvers for large dense matrices, effective use of memory , and optimized balance of computation and communication for this application.

We choose to adopt in our implementation the scalable and portable parallel linear algebra package ScaLAPACK developed at ORNL and would also investigate the use of vendor-supplied package, e.g. ProSolver-DES on the Intel machine and CMSSL dense solver on CM5, to achieve optimum performance.




Simulation on CM5 of Electromagnetic Scattering From A Plane Conducting Two Slots

Radar Cross Section Simulation on IBM SP1

EM Scattering from a Full-scale Airborne System (Generated by the ParaMoM MPP code on an Intel Paragon)

  1. G. Cheng, Y. Lu, G. C. Fox, K. Mills and T. Haupt," An Interactive Remote Visualization Environment for an Electromagnetic Scattering Simulation on a High Performance Computing System," Proceedings of Supercomputing '93, Portland, Oregon, November 15-19, 1993.
  2. G. Cheng, G. C. Fox, and K.A. Hawick," A Scaleable Paradigm for Effectively-Dense Matrix Formulated Applications," in Proc. of the European Conference and Exhibition on High-Performance Computing and Networking (HPCN Europe) 1994, Munich, Germany, April 18-20, 1994.
  3. G. Cheng, K.A. Hawick, G. Mortensen and G. C. Fox," Distributed Computational Eletromagnetics Systems," to appear in Proc. of the 7th SIAM conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Feb. 15-17, 1995.
  4. J. Choi, J.J. Dongarra, R. Pozo, and D. W. Walker, "ScaLAPACK: A Scalable Linear Algebra Library for Distributed Memory Concurrent Computers," Proceedings of 4th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation(McLean, Virginia, October 19-21, 1992), IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California, 1992, pp. 120-127.
  5. "Parametric Method of Moments (PARAMOM) RCS Prediction Packages, Version 1.0, User's Manual," Syracuse Research Corporation TD92-1321, October 1992.
  6. D. Wilkes and C. Cha "Method of Moments Solution with Parametric Curve Triangular Patches," presented at the IEEE AP-S International Symposium, London, Ontario, Canada, June 1991.
  7. D. Wilkes and C. Cha "A Magnetic-Field Integral Equation Formulation for Scattering from Three Dimensional Surfaces Using Curved Trangular Patches," 1992 IEEE AP-S International, URSI, EMP Joint Symposia, July 1992, Chicago, IL.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,
This page is maintained by Gang Cheng,