The most distinctive feature of PARAMOM(which stands for "Parametric Patch Method of Moment") code is its use of basis functions that conforms to parametric surfaces with curvature. The ability of PARAMOM to accurately account for surface curvature with the use of parametric surface patches has in many cases shown significant advantage over conventional techniques that employ flat facets as modeling elements.
The features of the initial parallel algorithm design will be scalable data decomposition, use of stable and efficient parallel linear solvers for large dense matrices, effective use of memory , and optimized balance of computation and communication for this application.
We choose to adopt in our implementation the scalable and portable parallel linear algebra package ScaLAPACK developed at ORNL and would also investigate the use of vendor-supplied package, e.g. ProSolver-DES on the Intel machine and CMSSL dense solver on CM5, to achieve optimum performance.
Radar Cross Section Simulation on IBM SP1