Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 21 January 98

Foil 57 HP-CORBA - II

From General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint) NIST Information Technology Laboratory Washington DC -- January 22 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

The split between data and control communication would be fully transparent at the program's level, i.e. both parallel object developers and integrators would be offered a uniform CORBA object based programming model.
  • This is like parallel data bases and possible for same reason that parallelism in CORBA has no difficult side effect problems as in parallel Fortran...
Two major advantages of the proposed approach are:
  • Full C++/Java interoperability at the node program level which allows for gradual insertion of Java based parallel programming tools to come
  • Industry standards (CORBA services such as Naming or Trader) based mechanism for delivering the encapsulated parallel objects to the industry.

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