Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 21 January 98

Foil 58 Aspects of HPCORBA Architecture

From General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint) NIST Information Technology Laboratory Washington DC -- January 22 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

The following figure illustrates a possible CORBA-HPCC integration framework ( HPCORBA )
Each node of a parallel machine runs a lightweight (e.g. Nexus based ) ORBlet which enables both local and remote object services.
Coming CORBA3/MOM based messaging and object-by-value frameworks adapted to provide high-performance (e.g. MPI based) object-oriented (IIOP based) inter-node communication.
Parallel Computation graphs are represented by Interface Definition Language (IDL) in a language independent way and optimized by parallel compiler technologies.
Specific language bindings would result in HPF, HPC++ or HPJava implementations.
This framework provides interoperability with the emergent Object Web software industry and offers an elegant solution for scalable parallel I/O ( linking HPCORBA with Oracle CORBA )

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