Basic IMAGE version of Photos prepared January 1 99

Photo 9 A group shot of Lynn, Pam, Sara, Meg, Liz, Beth, Cori, Caitlin, Katie, and Lauren at Ann's going away party.

From November at Home with Heather and Pamela Ann's going away party/Heather's Halloween/Home -- November 98. by Pamela Fox Heather Fox and Geoffrey Fox
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Table of Contents for November at Home with Heather and Pamela

1 Tim and Liz wrestling in Bethany's basement.
2 Karen, Meg, and Beth next to the piano.
3 Mike rolling on the ground.
4 Mike rolling on the ground part deux.
5 Mike in a meditative state of mind in Bethany's house.
6 Tim and Liz wrestling again.
7 Liz turning away, laughing.
8 Ann and Bethany on the couch in Beth's basement.
9 A group shot of Lynn, Pam, Sara, Meg, Liz, Beth, Cori, Caitlin, Katie, and Lauren at Ann's going away party.
10 A black and white shot of heather posing in her Halloween costume.
11 Jackie preparing the Halloween candy in her outfit.
12 Jackie and Kaylee next to the candy.
13 Pamela reading a very boring book in the living room.
14 Judy cooking yet another concoction in the kitchen.
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