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4.1 Introduction

Returning to Web software architecture of Figure 1, we now discuss services and applications. These are not clearly defined for services are essentially generic applications, and most applications are complex metaproblems [27] built recursively from services and ``sub-applications.'' Thus, there is a grey fuzzy line distinguishing services and applications. For this paper, we have chosen seven applications discussed in Sections 4.2 and 4.3, which we relate to the five services described below.

Some services listed above can be already prototyped in terms of today's Web technologies, for example base WebTop or early Collaboration services. Some other services are still waiting for their pervasive enabling technologies, such as physical infrastructure that will enable InfoVISiON or security that will enable Internet Commerce. Finally, the computationally extensive NII services, characaterized above broadly as ``Metacomputing'' require a major extension of the whole Web paradigm, currently still focused on static page services, but already gradually expanding towards computation and interactive simulation via technologies such as Java, or WebWork discussed in Section 3.4. Based on current and emergent Web technologies discussed in Section 3, we can start looking into the future to envision the coming generation of critical NII applications and high level services discussed in the following section.

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Geoffrey Fox,Wojtek Furmanski Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse University, gcf,