Basic HTML version of Foils prepared July 23,1995

Foil 17 ASOP Infrastructure ASOPnet Requirements

From NASA/MADIC NII Requirements for ASOP Langley Review NASA/MADIC Langley Review on NII Requirements for ASOP -- July 26-27 1995 NASA Langley Virginia. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Link Collaboraters by communication system ASOPnet -- a microcosm of the NII
  • Industry Sites
  • Collaborating Universities -- Georgia Tech,Syracuse and ....
  • NASA and other key government sites
2 Use COTS (World wide Web) Software and Systems where-ever possible and so physical network should not have special features not supported by "Open NII"
3 Security (proprietary data) needs to be determined
4 Parts should have performance (ATM ) needed by high speed distributed applications
5 Appropriate database/storage and compute servers needed on ASOPnet

in Table To:

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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