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Master of Overview of NII and Web Technology for NII ASOP Review at Langley

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at NASA/MADIC Langley Review on NII Requirements for ASOP on July 26-27 1995 NASA Langley Virginia. Foils prepared July 23,1995

This overview was part of a NASA sponsored workshop at Langley involving MADIC (Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design Industrial Consortium) Team 2, NASA, Georgia Tech, Rice and NPAC.
This reported on initial conclusions on requirements for and value of NII technology in ASOP (Affordable Systems Optimization Process) -- a novel approach to Multidisciplinary Optimization for aircraft and other complex system design.
ASOP intrinsically involves world wide collaboration between several large aerospace corporations and tens of thousands of suppliers and so the NII can have major value both for supporting collaboration between people and for supporting the thousands of linked optimizations -- each involving several different programs.
We stress the rapid evolution of the Web and the ability of Web Technology to be applied to Enterprise Inforemation Systems such as that required to manage ASOP.
MADIC companies involved include Rockwell, General Motors, Northrop-Grumman-Vought, Lockheed-Martin and General Electric.

Table of Contents for Master of Overview of NII and Web Technology for NII ASOP Review at Langley

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1 An Overview of The National Information Infrastructure
for Industry with Special Attention to Manufacturing
-- Presentation to ASOP
NII Requirements Workshop
2 Abstract of NII for ASOP Presentation
3 Architecture of Web Software
4 Some Recent Web Developments
5 Web Application Software Vision
6 Some Relevant NII Services-I
7 Some Relevant NII Services-II
8 Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- HealthCare and Telemedicine
9 Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- Education
10 Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- Society
11 Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Business (Enterprise Systems)
12 Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Defence and Crisis Management
13 Use of NII Services in Particular Applications -- Collaboratory
14 Use of NII Services in Particular Applications
-- Manufacturing of Complex Systems
15 ASOP and Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design(MAD)
16 Overall Base Structure for ASOP Technology Demonstrations
17 ASOP Infrastructure ASOPnet Requirements
18 ASOP Technology Demonstrations -- NII Services

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