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Foil 17 Scenario: Bizworld

From Future of Multimedia Internet Systems CPS640 MultiMedia and WWW -- Spring 97 Semester. by Marek Podgorny * See also color IMAGE

The Consumer Environment (3)
Multimedia offerings 2 - Entertainment (cont.)
  • Entertainment choices are transported through the network to those who pay the rather expensive monthly subscription fee.
  • The preferred method of delivery has become the staggering of a series of the 'top 100 videos of all time' throughout 15 minute intervals 24 hours a day.
  • Video-on-demand has proved to be less economical in terms of bandwidth and infrastructure costs and less desirable by consumers due to the wide choice already provided by the public network.
  • The public network medium has expanded to include satellite technology as well as telephone and cable service because of the one-way traffic requirement of the network. The cost of satellite technology has become competitive with wireline technology because of NASA's successful commercial satellite launching service. The required 6 inch, sleekly designed "satellite dish" comes as standard equipment with today's TVs.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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