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Foil 29 Scenario: Virtual World

From Future of Multimedia Internet Systems CPS640 MultiMedia and WWW -- Spring 97 Semester. by Marek Podgorny * See also color IMAGE

The Business Environment
The media marketing environment of the Seventies and Eighties is a dim memory
  • The structural chaos of those earlier days has given way to an ordered communications infrastructure. The change began in the U.S. with the entry of the RBOCs into the information business.
  • Freed by legislative action the RBOCs (through subsidiaries and joint ventures) dove into development of on-line yellow pages, then to a range of more "vivid" and richly interactive services.
  • The telcos have been accompanied by other traditional media providers: cable operators and newspaper publishers.
    • Even before the telecommunication regulation reform in the mid-90's, these "enemies" had realized that they had more to gain by helping each other create primary demand than by fighting over the paltry market they had among them; they began talking with each other.
    • Eventually, they created joint ventures, ultimately becoming the Information Carriers. Their first goal was to give the public (and the equipment manufacturers) what they wanted: universal access to the developing Net.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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