Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 15 March 1996
Foil 6 LU or SSOR -- The Third NAS Benchmark -- Roughly Gauss Seidel
From Further PDE Solvers for the NAS Benchmarks CPSP713 Case studies in Computational Science -- Spring Semester 1996. byGeoffrey C. Fox
Take the basic implicit equation K DU = RHS
and Split K = D + Lo + Up where
D Diagonal
Lo Lower triangular (3 distinct bands)
Up Upper triangular (3 distinct bands)
Note Lo and Up are of size Dt and so we can follow ADI trick and write
K = (D + Lo) (I + D -1 Up)
Ignoring terms of order Dt 2
and we get the two sweeps:
(D + Lo) DU1 = RHS
(I + D -1 Up) DU = DU1
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