Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 15 March 1996

Foil 12 An Example of Gravitational Waveforms

From Numerical Formulation and Solution of Collision 0f two Black Holes CPSP713 Case studies in Computational Science -- Spring Semester 1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Science 256,281-412, 17 April 92
Figure 1 shows two components of a gravitational wave versus time
  • An example of gravitational waveforms and the information they carry.
  • Each gravitational wave has two waveforms, dimensionless functions of time called h+(t) and hx(t).
  • The specific waveforms shown here are from the last few minutes or seconds of the spiraling together of a compact binary system (one made of two black holes, two neutron stars, or a black hole and a neutron star).
  • By monitoring these waveforms, LIGO can allow researchers to determine the binary's distance from Earth r, the masses of its two bodies or, equivalently, their total mass M and reduced mass m, and their orbital eccentricity e, and orbital inclination to the line of sight i.
  • To allow the determination of the eccentricity e, LIGO will measure the shapes of the individual waveform oscillations; note the shape shown on the upper right.
  • For the determination of i (when e = 0 for pedagogic simplicity), LIGO will measure the ratio of the amplitudes, h+ and hx see the formula in the lower right.
  • The parameters r, m and M determine (i) the waveforms' absolute amplitudes as they sweep past a frequency f:
  • hamp proportional to mu M^2/3 r^-1 f^2/3;
  • and (ii) the number of cycles n=f^2 (df/dt)^-1 that the waveforms spend near frequency f:
  • n**alpha (mu M^2/3 f^5/3)^-1 .
  • From hamp and n, LIGO can be used to determine r and mu M^2/3.
  • From mu M^2/3, and from late-time post-Newtonian facets of the waveform (not shown here)
  • or the frequency at which the inspiral terminates or both,
  • LIGO can be used to deduce the individual value of mu and M.
  • The simple inspiral waves shown here are modified at late times by post-Newtonian
  • and then fully relativistic effects and then are followed by much more complicated waveforms from the final collision or tidal disruption of the black holes or neutron stars.
  • It is these final relativistic, collision, and disruption waveforms that will bring LIGO the most interesting information.

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