Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 15 March 1996

Foil 25 Multidisciplinary Simulations: Structures, Propulsion,Controls, Acoustics
Increase in memory and CPU requirements over baseline CFD simulation

From Overview of CFD and Numerical Relativity Case Study CPSP713 -- Autumn Semester 1994. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Structural Dynamics
modal analysis x1 x2
FEM analysis x2 x2
thermal analysis x2 x2
inlet/nozzle simulation x2 x2
engine performance deck x2 x2
combusion model, e.g. scamjet x4 x10-100
turbojet engine (full sim.) x10-100 x10-100
control law integration x1 x1
control surface aerodynamics x2 x2
thrust vector control x2 x2
control jets x2 x2
Acoustics x10 x10
Numerical Optimization Design x2 x10-100

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