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Overview of CFD and Numerical Relativity Case Study

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPSP713 on Autumn Semester 1994. Foils prepared 15 March 1996

CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and NR (Numerical Relativity) both involve the solution of second order partial differential equations (PDE's) describing physical phenomena.
This case study will study both applications and then look at the computer science (computational) issues which are both common and distinct.
This will allow us to study the requirements of a computational toolkit for general solution of second order PDE's.
These two applications are by no means the only applications but they cover a broad range of issues.
CFD can be defined narrowly as confined to aerodynamic flow around vehicles but it can be generalized to include as well such areas as weather and climate simulation, flow of pollutants in the earth, and flow of liquids in oil fields (reservoir modelling).

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
Master set for Case Studies of Computational Science -- Overview of 3 Areas (Monte Carlo,CFD/Numerical Relativity,Information Age)
Miscellaneous Presentation Material used in 1996
Part A:Overview of HPCC Applications in Industry for Halloween IDA Presentation
Background in Partial Differential Equations with attention to CFD

Table of Contents for Overview of CFD and Numerical Relativity Case Study

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Integrated Discussion of CFD and Numerical Relativity

Further CFD Online Resources Include

Further Numerical Relativity Online Resources Include

Computational Toolkit Resources
1 CPS 713--Case study II
August to December1994 - Case Studies in Computational Science
-- Overview of Second Case Study
CFD and Numerical Relativity
2 Abstract for CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Relativity
3 Further Remarks on CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Relativity
4 Overview of Topics in CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Relativity

Why we need Petaflop Performance!

5 NASA's Projection of Memory and Computational Requirements upto Petaflops for Aerospace Applications
6 Petaflop Performance for Flow in Porous Media?
7 Target Flow in Porous Media Problem (Glimm - Petaflop Workshop)

NAS Benchmarks

8 CPS713 Case Study II)CFD+NNR -- Motivation of The NAS Benchmarks
9 CPS713 Case Study II) --Use of The NAS Benchmarks

Computational Toolkit
10 CPS713 Case Study II) -- Overview of Computational Toolkit Issues

Now we Overview General Relativity and its Numerical Formulation
11 CPS713 Case Study II) -- Remainder of Basic Module (What will be in The Long Discussion of Subject after one lecture Overview)
12 CPS713 Case Study II) Overview Features of Numerical Relativity
13 CPS713 Case Study II) Comparison of Numerical Relativity with Maxwell's Equations
14 CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Features of Numerical Relativity
15 CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Features of Numerical Relativity (Contd) -- Singularity Structure
16 CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Features of Numerical Relativity (Contd) -- Black Hole Boundary Condition

Computational Needs of CFD and Numerical Relativity
17 CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Needs for CFD and Numerical Relativity
18 The Mapping of Heterogeneous Metaproblems onto Heterogeneous Metacomputer Systems
19 Software Bus Structure of USMADE
20 NASA Estimates of Computational Needs 1994
21 NASA's Estimate of Computing Needs for Reynolds Averaged Approximation (1994)
22 Results for the LU Simulated CFD Application of NAS Benchmark for Cray YMP, iPSC860, CM2
23 Results for the SP Simulated CFD Application of NAS Benchmarks for Cray YMP, iPSC860 and CM2
24 Results for the BT Simulated CFD Application of NAS Benchmarks for Cray YMP, iPSC860 and CM2
25 Multidisciplinary Simulations: Structures, Propulsion,Controls, Acoustics
Increase in memory and CPU requirements over baseline CFD simulation
26 Base CFD Requirements for GigaFlops and Run-time Memory Megawords
to give a 5 hour Execution Time
and Increase needed for Multidisciplinary Simulations:
Structures, Propulsion and Controls

Overall Computer Science Issues in CFD and Numerical Relativity
27 CPS713 Case Study II) Some Common Issues between CFD and Numerical Relativity
28 CPS713 Case Study II) Computer Science Support for CFD and NR -- Portable Scalable Software Tools
29 CPS713 Case Study II) Further Computer Science Issues for CFD and NR Computational Toolkit
30 CPS713 Case Study II) Specific Toolkit Modules Needed
31 CPS713 Case Study II) Specific Toolkit Modules Needed -- Parallel Grid Generation
32 This is a typical non-uniform grid used to define an aircraft

Full WebWisdom URL and this Foilset Search
This contains all WebWisdom links preceded by those referenced in this foilset

List of WebWisdom URL's Used in this Foilset

key cps615F URL * Background in Partial Differential Equations with attention to CFD by gcf on Tue Oct 7 1997
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key cps615PDEIter95 URL * CPS615 Module on Iterative PDE Solvers by gcf on Tue Oct 28 1997
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key cps615femcg95 URL * CPS615 Finite Element and Conjugate Gradient Presentation by gcf on Thu Aug 14 1997
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key cps713nasi96 URL * Introduction to Physics and Numerics of NAS Benchmarks by gcf on Tue Feb 18 1997
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key cps713nasii96 URL * Spatial Differencing and ADI Solution of the NAS Benchmarks by gcf on Tue Feb 18 1997
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key cps713nasiii96 URL * Further PDE Solvers for the NAS Benchmarks by gcf on Tue Feb 18 1997
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key cps713nr96 URL * Detailed Discussion of Numerical Formulation and Solution of Collision 0f two Black Holes by gcf on Tue Feb 18 1997
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key degamiequs675 URL * General Discussion of CFD Equations needed for NAS Benchmarks by gcf on April 14,1996
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key degaminas676 URL * A Discussion of NAS Benchmarks from CFD Point of View by gcf on April 14,1996
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key millerintro680 URL * Introduction to Relativity for Computer Scientist by gcf on April 14,1996
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key nasatnasa URL * Homepage for NAS Benchmarks with pointer to latest performance figures by gcf on April 14,1996
Times 2 Foils referenced Script Script
key naspaper URL * Specification of Pencil and Paper NAS Benchmarks by gcf on April 14,1996
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key nratnpac URL * Numerical Relativity Resources at NPAC by gcf on April 14,1996
Times 2 Foils referenced Script Script
key nrcfdtoolkit URL * Computational Toolkit for CFD and Colliding Black Holes by gcf on April 18,96
Times 2 Foils referenced Script Script
key pittsbasef90 URL * Fortran90 Implementation of Pittsburgh Code by gcf on April 14,1996
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key pittsf77 URL * Pittsburgh's Original Fortran77 Code by gcf on April 14,1996
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key pittshpf URL * HPF Implementation of Pittsburgh Code by gcf on April 14,1996
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key pittsintro681 URL * Introduction to Pittsburgh Wave Evolution Code for Computer Scientist by gcf on April 14,1996
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key pittsoriginal URL * Pittsburgh's Original Description of Their Wave Equation Evolution by gcf on April 14,1996
Times 1 Foils referenced Script
key slitex/bbhklasky URL * Slitex Scott Klasky Presentation on Binary Black Hole Collision by gcf on Mon Feb 17 1997
Times 2 Foils referenced Script Script
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