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Scripted foilset Overview of CFD and Numerical Relativity Case Study

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPSP713 on Autumn Semester 1994. Foils prepared 15 March 1996
Outside Index Summary of Material

CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and NR (Numerical Relativity) both involve the solution of second order partial differential equations (PDE's) describing physical phenomena.
This case study will study both applications and then look at the computer science (computational) issues which are both common and distinct.
This will allow us to study the requirements of a computational toolkit for general solution of second order PDE's.
These two applications are by no means the only applications but they cover a broad range of issues.
CFD can be defined narrowly as confined to aerodynamic flow around vehicles but it can be generalized to include as well such areas as weather and climate simulation, flow of pollutants in the earth, and flow of liquids in oil fields (reservoir modelling).

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1 CPS 713--Case study II
August to December1994 - Case Studies in Computational Science
-- Overview of Second Case Study
CFD and Numerical Relativity

2 Abstract for CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Relativity
3 Further Remarks on CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Relativity
4 Overview of Topics in CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Relativity
5 NASA's Projection of Memory and Computational Requirements upto Petaflops for Aerospace Applications
6 Petaflop Performance for Flow in Porous Media?
7 Target Flow in Porous Media Problem (Glimm - Petaflop Workshop)
8 CPS713 Case Study II)CFD+NNR -- Motivation of The NAS Benchmarks
9 CPS713 Case Study II) --Use of The NAS Benchmarks
10 CPS713 Case Study II) -- Overview of Computational Toolkit Issues
11 CPS713 Case Study II) -- Remainder of Basic Module (What will be in The Long Discussion of Subject after one lecture Overview)
12 CPS713 Case Study II) Overview Features of Numerical Relativity
13 CPS713 Case Study II) Comparison of Numerical Relativity with Maxwell's Equations
14 CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Features of Numerical Relativity
15 CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Features of Numerical Relativity (Contd) -- Singularity Structure
16 CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Features of Numerical Relativity (Contd) -- Black Hole Boundary Condition
17 CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Needs for CFD and Numerical Relativity
18 The Mapping of Heterogeneous Metaproblems onto Heterogeneous Metacomputer Systems
19 Software Bus Structure of USMADE
20 NASA Estimates of Computational Needs 1994
21 NASA's Estimate of Computing Needs for Reynolds Averaged Approximation (1994)
22 Results for the LU Simulated CFD Application of NAS Benchmark for Cray YMP, iPSC860, CM2
23 Results for the SP Simulated CFD Application of NAS Benchmarks for Cray YMP, iPSC860 and CM2
24 Results for the BT Simulated CFD Application of NAS Benchmarks for Cray YMP, iPSC860 and CM2
25 Multidisciplinary Simulations: Structures, Propulsion,Controls, Acoustics
Increase in memory and CPU requirements over baseline CFD simulation

26 Base CFD Requirements for GigaFlops and Run-time Memory Megawords
to give a 5 hour Execution Time
and Increase needed for Multidisciplinary Simulations:
Structures, Propulsion and Controls

27 CPS713 Case Study II) Some Common Issues between CFD and Numerical Relativity
28 CPS713 Case Study II) Computer Science Support for CFD and NR -- Portable Scalable Software Tools
29 CPS713 Case Study II) Further Computer Science Issues for CFD and NR Computational Toolkit
30 CPS713 Case Study II) Specific Toolkit Modules Needed
31 CPS713 Case Study II) Specific Toolkit Modules Needed -- Parallel Grid Generation
32 This is a typical non-uniform grid used to define an aircraft

Outside Index Summary of Material

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Foil 1 CPS 713--Case study II
August to December1994 - Case Studies in Computational Science
-- Overview of Second Case Study
CFD and Numerical Relativity

From Overview of CFD and Numerical Relativity Case Study CPSP713 -- Autumn Semester 1994. *
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Geoffrey Fox
Syracuse University
Syracuse NY 13244-4100

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Foil 2 Abstract for CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Relativity

From Overview of CFD and Numerical Relativity Case Study CPSP713 -- Autumn Semester 1994. *
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CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and NR (Numerical Relativity) both involve the solution of second order partial differential equations (PDE's) describing physical phenomena.
This case study will study both applications and then look at the computer science (computational) issues which are both common and distinct.
This will allow us to study the requirements of a computational toolkit for general solution of second order PDE's.
These two applications are by no means the only applications but they cover a broad range of issues.
CFD can be defined narrowly as confined to aerodynamic flow around vehicles but it can be generalized to include as well such areas as weather and climate simulation, flow of pollutants in the earth, and flow of liquids in oil fields (reservoir modelling).

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Foil 3 Further Remarks on CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Relativity

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Our numerical relativity example will be the collision of two black holes which is focus of a major NSF Grand Challenge involving NPAC with seven other institutions in a collaboration led by Richard Matzner at Texas.
Note that Numerical Relativity involves solution of Einstein's equations which include as a special case Maxwell's equations used to describe electromagnetic phenomena.
Thus issues of relevance to computational electromagnetics (used in study of antennas and radar cross-sections of military aircraft) are implicitly included in this case study.
Nearly all partial differential equations which are commonly encountered can be found by choosing parameters or limits in CFD or NR.

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Foil 4 Overview of Topics in CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Relativity

From Overview of CFD and Numerical Relativity Case Study CPSP713 -- Autumn Semester 1994. *
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Motivation for CFD -- why we need Teraflop and Petaflop performance to design new aircraft and model oil reservoirs and polluted chemical dump sites
Introduction to NAS benchmarks and remarks on performance of today's machines.
Motivation of Numerical Relativity with Collision of two black holes as expected signature for LIGO gravitational wave detector -- expected need for Teraflop performance
General Discussion of Continuum Physics as a model for Nature
The Navier Stokes Equation -- Basic equations of CFD
General discussion of Computational Issues for CFD
Introduction to Numerical formulation of Einstein's Equations
General discussion of computational issues for Numerical Relativity
Comparison of Similarities and differences between CFD and NR

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Foil 5 NASA's Projection of Memory and Computational Requirements upto Petaflops for Aerospace Applications

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Foil 6 Petaflop Performance for Flow in Porous Media?

From Overview of CFD and Numerical Relativity Case Study CPSP713 -- Autumn Semester 1994. *
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Why does one need a petaflop (1015 operations per second) computer?
These are problems where quite viscous (oil, pollutants) liquids percolate through the ground
Very sensitive to details of material
Most important problems are already solved at some level, but most solutions are insufficient and need improvement in various respects:
  • under resolution of solution details, averaging of local variations and under representation of physical details
  • rapid solutions to allow efficient exploration of system parameters
  • robust and automated solution, to allow integration of results in high level decision, design and control functions
  • inverse problems (history match) to reconstruct missing data require multiple solutions of the direct problem

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Foil 7 Target Flow in Porous Media Problem (Glimm - Petaflop Workshop)

From Overview of CFD and Numerical Relativity Case Study CPSP713 -- Autumn Semester 1994. *
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Oil Resevoir Simulation
Geological variation occurs down to pore size of rock - almost 10-6 metres - model this (statistically)
Want to calculate flow between wells which are about 400 metres apart
103x103x102 = 108 grid elements
30 species
104 time steps
300 separate cases need to be considered
3x109 words of memory per case
1012 words total if all cases considered in parallel
1019 floating point operation
3 hours on a petaflop computer

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Foil 8 CPS713 Case Study II)CFD+NNR -- Motivation of The NAS Benchmarks

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The NAS benchmarks were introduced by a group at NASA Ames as a novel approach to benchmarking high performance machines.
Most benchmarks (call these software benchmarks) are presented as specific pieces of software which must be run on a target machine to measure its performance
  • Software benchmarks involve both the computer and the compiler (assuming benchmark in a language such as Fortran C C++ ADA). Further they implement a particular algorithm to solve the problem.
  • Particular high performance computers may need different algorithms and or different language to achieve good performance
    • For instance High Performance Fortran would be needed on a parallel machine instead of simple Fortran77
    • The benchmark code may implement in a high level language a basic algorithm such as FFT or matrix solve while any practical code would use the optimized (assembly language) subroutines.
    • The basic algorithm might need to be changed due to architecture of machine e.g. SIMD or vector architectures typically need different optimal algorithms from MIMD machines.
  • The innovation in NAS benchmarks was "pencil and paper" (i.e. mathematical) definition of benchmark so each implementation could be optimized (with certain rules) for target computer as appropriate.

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Foil 9 CPS713 Case Study II) --Use of The NAS Benchmarks

From Overview of CFD and Numerical Relativity Case Study CPSP713 -- Autumn Semester 1994. *
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The NAS Benchmarks are described in a basic document:
  • "NAS Parallel Benchmarks" RNR-94-007, March 1994 by D.Bailey et al. updating original 1991 document.
  • "NAS Parallel Benchmark Results 3-94", RNR-94-006 by D.Bailey, E. Barszcz, L.Dagum, and H.D. Simon
  • contain latest but obviously ephemeral results.
  • See also http://www.nas.nasa.gov/RNR/Parallel/NPB/NPBindex.html.
The material used in class selects results from 4 benchmarks described in detail in above citations:
  • EP: Embarrassingly parallel -- no communication -- tests node performance
  • The remaining three benchmarks involve significant communication.
  • CG: Conjugate Gradient -- basic PDE Solution method discussed in CPS615
  • SP: Pentadiagonal Solver -- model of a full CFD solver
  • BT: Block Tridiagonal PDE Iterative solver -- another model of a full CFD solver
There are several striking results in NAS results with SGI Power Challenge and IBM SP2 leading the way in performance per node. Full document discusses performance per dollar and the full set of benchmarks.
We will later use mathematical definition of CFD contained in BT and SP benchmarks as a way of indicating key computer science issues in CFD. We will generalize this approach and try to specify numerical relatively in a similar fashion.

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Foil 10 CPS713 Case Study II) -- Overview of Computational Toolkit Issues

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We will use AIAA-94-2249 "Computational Toolkit for Colliding Black Holes and CFD" by N.P. Chrisochoides, G.C. Fox and T. Haupt as an overview of issues that need to be studied in producing a PDE (CFD and NR) Computational toolkit
  • Example of multidisciplinary design as a metaproblem needing integration of many disparate software modules (sec. 1)
  • Study of ELLPACK and issues in modular programming for PDE solution. Relevance of domain specific interfaces built using Mathematica or similar package (sec. 2)
  • Software Integration issues needed in metaproblems (sec. 3)
  • Review of programming paradigms (sec. 4.1)
  • High Performance Fortran for individual modules (Sec 4.2)
  • Runtime Support from libraries, message passing to programming environment (Sec. 5)
  • Parallel Grid Generation for Structured (NR) and Unstructured (CFD) meshs (Sec. 6)

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Foil 11 CPS713 Case Study II) -- Remainder of Basic Module (What will be in The Long Discussion of Subject after one lecture Overview)

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Relate CFD to NAS benchmark discussion
Review of various PDE solution methods and their parallel implementations
Discuss in detail numerics and parallel implementation of NAS CFD model problems
Present NR in NAS benchmark form
Discuss model problems from wave equation to simple realistic NR problem
Return to general toolkit Issues:
  • Current status of MPI and PVM -- standard message passing systems
  • Comparison with thread based approaches (PORTS Collaboration)
  • Irregular adaptive Compiler (High Performance Fortran) Language and runtime support
  • Parallel Grid Generation -- Integration with HPF and HPC++
  • Software Integration with AVS and Fortran-M (CC++)

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Foil 12 CPS713 Case Study II) Overview Features of Numerical Relativity

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Numerical Relativity is a coupled set of partial differential equations
  • Direct formulation has 10 independent equations
  • Some implementations have up to 50 coupled functions
Equations can be divided into two classes
  • 4 Elliptic (Laplace equation-like) constraint equations which must be satisfied at each time
  • 6 coupled Hyperbolic (Wave equation like) equations describing time evolution
For CFD, the "physics" determines computational issues
  • e.g. a shock represents a rapidly varying solution which requires typically an adaptive irregular mesh and finite element solution method
For Numerical relativity, one can change the nature of solution by changing "space itself"
  • This is called choosing the Gauge
  • One gauge could have rapidly varying fields and require adaptive finite elements
  • Another Gauge could have slowly varying fields and be soluble with finite difference.

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Foil 13 CPS713 Case Study II) Comparison of Numerical Relativity with Maxwell's Equations

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The Magnetic Field is given in terms of vector potential by
Components of vector potential are not independent as expressed by gauge transformation
  • for any field
Choosing implies choosing gauge
The Constraint equations are:
The evolution Equations are:
These give waves at infinity

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Foil 14 CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Features of Numerical Relativity

From Overview of CFD and Numerical Relativity Case Study CPSP713 -- Autumn Semester 1994. *
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The theory is very nonlinear:
  • For instance one of the elliptic constraints can be written:
  • CFD is also nonlinear as have terms such as
Boundary Conditions at Infinity are those of computational electromagnetics (CEM)
  • Not those familiar from CFD
  • One needs to look for wave solutions and these waves are precisely what LIGO experiment will detect
  • Curiously I see that methods used in CEM such as method of moments are not being used in Numerical Relativity
    • NR solves evolution equations and identifies oscillatory wave solution
    • Waves very sensitive to numerics -- small numerical errors can be amplified as wave propagates
    • Numerical approximation can introduce an effective dissipative term which has small coefficient but enhanced by large propagation distance

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Foil 15 CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Features of Numerical Relativity (Contd) -- Singularity Structure

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There are no small coefficients of second order derivative terms
  • In CFD small coefficient proportional to viscosity led to rapidly varying fields so product of viscosity times second derivative was comparable in size to other terms in CFD equations
  • This leads to shocks, boundary layers, turbulent flow in CFD i.e.
    • CFD has singularities which are lower dimension than solution space
Numerical Relativity has the world's most significant singularity -- Black Holes
  • Otherwise singularities are volume based and not like shocks
  • Correspondingly Numerical Relativity can use finite difference methods
    • One does need adaptive block structured meshs but probably not unstructured meshs
    • Can use Finite Elements (FEM) and may be preferable -- CFD is more or less required to use FEM

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Foil 16 CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Features of Numerical Relativity (Contd) -- Black Hole Boundary Condition

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Boundary conditions at Black Holes involve physics and numerics
Certainly finite difference mesh needs some sort of special treatment
Physics says that any information inside black hole is irrelevant
  • It cannot get out and so cannot affect solution outside hole
However we don't know where Black Hole is until we get full solution!
This issue is "Show-Stopper". It may be that difficulties in this area will prevent reliable solutions without a major algorithmic breakthrough or new physics insight
  • Other NR issues are hard but no reason why we shouldn't solve reasonably well

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Foil 17 CPS713 Case Study II) Computational Needs for CFD and Numerical Relativity

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It is possible that a teraflop computer may be sufficient to "solve" the collision of two black holes
  • Solution defined as producing a catalog of wave forms which can be used in analysis of initial LIGO data
  • This is not of course only important issue and other studies may require more or less computer time
NASA has documented carefully estimates of computer needs for various CFD approaches.
  • Although not entirely clear what CFD approaches are actually relevant to design new aircraft or cars.
    • Better -- this would mean using more accurate solutions to full equations
    • Faster -- This is perhaps more promising and requires Integration of several distinct simulations in full design cycle
    • This Multidisciplinary analysis and design underlies agile manufacturing or concurrent engineering
Snapshot results are:
  • Petaflop performance needed for full Navier Stokes equations for full aircraft
  • Teraflop performance needed for Multidisciplinary Analysis using Reynolds averaged approximations with turbulence models

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Foil 18 The Mapping of Heterogeneous Metaproblems onto Heterogeneous Metacomputer Systems

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Foil 19 Software Bus Structure of USMADE

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Foil 20 NASA Estimates of Computational Needs 1994

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Foil 21 NASA's Estimate of Computing Needs for Reynolds Averaged Approximation (1994)

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Flow Simulation ( Reynolds Averaged Approximation ):
  • 5x106 grid points
  • 5x104 iterations
  • 5x103 operations/iterations
  • 1015 operations (flops) / problem
  • 2x108 words of memory
    • Hours GigaFlops
Proof of concept 1000-->100 0.3-->3
  • Design 10-->1 30-->300
Automated Design 0.1-->0.01 3000-->30,000

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Foil 22 Results for the LU Simulated CFD Application of NAS Benchmark for Cray YMP, iPSC860, CM2

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System No. Proc. Time/Iter.(secs) MFLOPS (Y-MP)
Y-MP 1 1.73 246
    • 8 0.25 1705
iPSC/860 64 3.05 139
    • 128 1.90 224
CM-2 8K 5.23 82
    • 16K 3.40 125
    • 32K 2.29 186

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Foil 23 Results for the SP Simulated CFD Application of NAS Benchmarks for Cray YMP, iPSC860 and CM2

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System No. Proc. Time/Iter.(secs) MFLOPS (Y-MP)
Y-MP 1 1.18 250
    • 8 0.16 1822
iPSC/860 64 2.42 122
CM-2 8K 9.75 30
    • 16K 5.26 56
    • 32K 2.70 109

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Foil 24 Results for the BT Simulated CFD Application of NAS Benchmarks for Cray YMP, iPSC860 and CM2

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System No. Proc. Time/Iter.(secs) MFLOPS (Y-MP)
Y-MP 1 3.96 224
    • 8 0.57 1554
iPSC/860 64 4.54 199
CM-2 16K 16.64 54
    • 32K 9.57 94

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Foil 25 Multidisciplinary Simulations: Structures, Propulsion,Controls, Acoustics
Increase in memory and CPU requirements over baseline CFD simulation

From Overview of CFD and Numerical Relativity Case Study CPSP713 -- Autumn Semester 1994. *
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Structural Dynamics
modal analysis x1 x2
FEM analysis x2 x2
thermal analysis x2 x2
inlet/nozzle simulation x2 x2
engine performance deck x2 x2
combusion model, e.g. scamjet x4 x10-100
turbojet engine (full sim.) x10-100 x10-100
control law integration x1 x1
control surface aerodynamics x2 x2
thrust vector control x2 x2
control jets x2 x2
Acoustics x10 x10
Numerical Optimization Design x2 x10-100

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Foil 26 Base CFD Requirements for GigaFlops and Run-time Memory Megawords
to give a 5 hour Execution Time
and Increase needed for Multidisciplinary Simulations:
Structures, Propulsion and Controls

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Base CFD 200 60
thermal analysis X2 X2
inlet/nozzle simulations X2 X2
engine performance deck X2 X2
control law integration X1 X1
thrust vector control X2 X2
    • TOTAL 2000 600

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Foil 27 CPS713 Case Study II) Some Common Issues between CFD and Numerical Relativity

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Both problems are coupled systems of second order partial differential equations
Both can involve solution of metaproblems -- coupling between different systems of equations
  • In CFD, Metaproblems seen in Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design
  • in NR, Metaproblem seen in coupling of constraint and evolution equations
Both problems require numerical experimentation to develop working codes
  • Many unsolved issues requiring new physics insight implemented well numerically
  • One cannot specify today the "right" approach to CFD or NR
Both problems have elliptic and hyperbolic equations
Similarities suggest we develop a toolkit applicable for either or both applications

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Foil 28 CPS713 Case Study II) Computer Science Support for CFD and NR -- Portable Scalable Software Tools

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Portable means runs on (nearly) all of today's high performance (parallel) computers
Scalable means code written today will run on future high performance machines
  • These current and future machines include networks of workstations as well as integrated massively parallel machines
High Performance Fortran and C++ ; scalable data parallel support
Fortran-M and CC++ ; scalable support of task parallelism
AVS ; industry standard for visualization and software integration
PVM and MPI ; standard message passing support
ADIFOR ; differentiate Fortran code ; critical tool for optimization problems
Prototyping Software ; needs development of Interpreters and other tools

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Foil 29 CPS713 Case Study II) Further Computer Science Issues for CFD and NR Computational Toolkit

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Domain Specific Software where user interfaces at level of mathematical equations -- not C++ or Fortran
  • Can build with Computer algebra tools such as Maple or Mathematica which then must be taught to generate efficient High Performance Fortran , Fortran77 + MPI or equivalent.
    • SINAPSE -- built from Mathematica at Schlumberger research
    • ELLPACK -- one of first and best PDE toolkits (for ELLiptic equations)
Runtime support and libraries
  • Schedulers and data decomposition tools
  • Scientific Libraries such as SCALAPACK which can be used directly to solve matrices coming from computational electromagnetics formulated with the method of moments
  • Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium
    • Integrated support for many languages on many computers
    • Can mix programming paradigms such as
    • HPC++ for convenience and elegance with Fortran77 + MPI for efficiency

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Foil 30 CPS713 Case Study II) Specific Toolkit Modules Needed

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PDE Solvers for both Elliptic, Hyperbolic and mixed equations
Geometry packages to define solution space (mainly for CFD used in design of real vehicles)
Visualization including Virtual Reality (VR)
  • VR used by Boeing today to study if a particular design can be serviced
  • VR study of CFD or NR solution may lead to new physics insight
Optimization needed for Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design
Boundary Conditions can be application specific as sensitive to physical system
  • Fluid -- Vehicle Boundary
  • NR Infinity boundary condition of waves
  • NR Black Hole event horizon (guaranteed to be inside true black hole surface) boundary condition

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Foil 31 CPS713 Case Study II) Specific Toolkit Modules Needed -- Parallel Grid Generation

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Grid Generation has several important characteristics:
  • Adaptive Block Structured for CFD and NR
  • Adaptive Unstructured for CFD
  • Should be consistent with multigrid and domain decomposition solution methods
  • Should be integrated with High Level Language or Domain Specific Interface
  • Should be linkable between different sets of equations
    • For instance mesh used to simulate structure of airframe must be consistent with volume mesh needed for CFD study of airflow around aircraft
  • Must be able to generate and adapt "in place" and "in parallel" on parallel machine

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Foil 32 This is a typical non-uniform grid used to define an aircraft

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