Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 22 February 97

Foil 9 Scenario Overview - Team Tasking

From Command and Control Application Rome Lab Quarterly Review for CIV -- October 1 96. by Jack Kantak, Preston Marshall--Vanguard Research Inc. *

Sets up the team tasking
Sets specific goals for the next period of the demonstration.
Stresses collaborative requirements explicitly
Points to a set of resources that have been prepositioned to support the team's interaction.
TO: Members of the Concept Action Group
FROM: Source Classified
Subject: Response Strategy to Address the Emergence of Immediate
Terrorist State Threat to North America.
This memorandum outlines your responsibilities as a member of the
Response Strategy Action Group.
Your group must develop a strategy that can drive the actions
that U.S. and Canadian civil and military leadership must take to
minimize the damage that a cruise missile could inflict on the two
nations. The team you are on includes both military and civil
organization representation so that we can best integrate a national
In performing this task, It is important that you to maintain
liaison with the North American Aerospace Defense Command, which is
responsible for the military aspect of this mission, as well as civil
authorities in the effected regions. It is important that we have a
collaborative solution that all participants are ready to perform.
Of course we will pass on any additional information we obtain to
your group.

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