Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 15 1997

Foil 6 Why VRML with Java ?

From VRML 2 Scripting -- Java JavaScript VRMLScript CPS616 -- Information Track of CPS -- Spring Semester 97. by Balaji Natarajan(Geoffrey C. Fox) *

VRML with Java is a powerful combination that results in executable content, optimized for today's low bandwidth environments.
Simple 3-D programming of complex front-ends possible using well-defined nodes in VRML 2.0 specifications.
Substantial bandwidth savings possible by using a VRML world animated by a Java applet - rather than a 2D GIF/JPEG image animated by Java.
  • As send short VRML definition of "image" rather than image itself. Of course one has increased compute time to render image!

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