Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 25 98

Foil 11 Specific Darpa objectives

From Overview of Collaboration Systems Tango Tutorial Alliance 98 NCSA Illinois -- April 27 98. by TangoInteractive Team

Enable access via diverse portals, from hand-held through room-sized
Enable interoperability across diverse encoding formats, coordination and consistency protocols, and real-time services
Scale collaborations to 10 active contributors, 100 questioners, and 1,000 observers
Reduce by an order of magnitude the time needed to generate collaborative applications
Enable real-time discovery of relevant collaborators and information within task context
Reduce by an order of magnitude the time to establish collaborative sessions across heterogeneous environments
Reduce by an order of magnitude the time to review collaborative sessions
Improve task-based performance of collaborators by two orders of magnitude
Source: ICV, DARPA

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