Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 3 May 98

Foil 3 2. JWORB Applications

From JWORB Java Web Object Request Broker Poster Alliance 98 NCSA Illinois -- April 27-29 98. by W. Furmanski, H.T. Ozdemir, G. Fox

The following pages illustrate a set of JWORB testing and early prototyping activities at NPAC, starting from performance benchmarks (Pages 4, 5)
We are replacing NPAC WebFlow middleware, initially based on JavaSoft's Java Web Servers by a mesh of JWORB servers (Page 6)
We also intend to use JWORB as the core infrastructure technology for WebHLA - an Object Web based implementation of DMSO HLA standard for Modeling and Simulation (Pages 3,7,8,9)
WebHLA includes communication bus given by Object Web RTI (Page 8) and CORBA Wrappers for C/C++ legacy codes (Page 9)
Our eventual goal is WebHLA based support for Virtual Prototyping and Simulation Based Design/Acquisition systems in the High Performance FMS/IMT domains (Page 7)

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