Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 7 October 97

Foil 47 VRML modeling

From VRML and Use of Databases as backend and Application to GIS ARL Database Tutorial -- February 98. by Krzysztof Walczak

The following VRML structures are used to model the terrain data:
  • - QuadMesh - basic shape representing the surface, it is
  • an Open Inventor equivalent of VRML 1.1 ElevationGrid
  • - Multivalued Material nodes - define colors of points,
  • - LOD - Level-Of-Detail node - specifies portions of data
  • to be loaded with different resolution levels depending
  • on the distance from the viewpoint,
  • - WWWInline enables loading of scene in portions,
  • - WWWAnchor - allows linking with HTML description
  • pages
  • - DirectionalLight - lighting in the scene.

© on Mon Oct 13 1997