Title and abstract for

VRML and Use of Databases as backend and Application to GIS

Given by Krzysztof Walczak at ARL Database Tutorial on February 98. Foils prepared 7 October 97
which leads to edit sector initialized at overall parameters
Summary of Addons which lists all addon files pointed to in foilset
This is a SINGLE file Containing all Foils in nonIMAGE (i.e. HTML) form
This contains all WebWisdom links preceded by those referenced in this foilset
This contains an Index of Foilset Suitable for Printing (There is no easy way of Printing all foils -- just the index)
This just contains Title of Foilset and Links

Open Inventor
VRML language
VRML Browsers
Illustra Database System
Why database support for VRML ?
File based terrain rendering in VRML
Terrain rendering with Illustra database support
Objects - storing rich semantic information
Multiversion representation
Examples of VRML for Terrain Rendering

© on Mon Oct 13 1997