Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 7 October 97

Foil 46 What are Two-phase Database Schema?

From untitled presentation ARL Database Tutorial -- February 98. by Gang Cheng Marek Podgorny Chao-Wei Ou

1 For a RDBMS there are two levels of abstractions of how data being stored and represented in the system:
2 1) Logical database consists of the conceptual view of a DB system which is described by an ER (entity-relationship) model, defined and access by SQL and represented by tables,columns,views and other abstractions of data-object;
3 2) The physical database consists of the actual phyical view of the DB which is represented by files,blocks,indexes,clusters,partitions,etc.
4 End-user and developers only need to deal with the logical level,
5 While the DBMS and a DBA (database administrator) define and perform the mapping between the two levels.
6 This is the reason why SQL achieves portability (oompared to f77), from a viewpoint of a data independent model.

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